Of the approximately 11,000 Galician soldiers deployed at Brody, about 3,000 were able to almost immediately re-enter the division. Tras la Operación Barbarroja las tropas de la Wehrmacht alemana entraron en Ucrania y hallaron allí un conjunto de grupos ultranacionalistas que se hallaban dispuestos a apoyar a los nazis para librarse del gobierno soviético liderado por Stalin; estos nacionalistas ucranianos se convirtieron en aliados de los alemanes y fuente de reclutas para suplir bajas en la Wehrmacht pese a la fuerte resistencia de Hitler al reclutamiento de soldados eslavos en las filas del Tercer Reich

Although the Waffen-SS as a whole was declared to be a criminal organization at the Nuremberg Trials, the Galizien Division has not specifically been found guilty of any war crimes by any war tribunal or commission. The members of Galicia Division were individually screened for security purposes before admission to Canada. The latter group itself splintered into two factions, the more moderate OUN-M led by Andri… Between the wars, the political allegiances of Ukrainians in eastern Galicia were divided between moderate national democrats and the more extreme Organization of Ukrainian Nationa…

However, numerous accusations of impropriety have been leveled at the division, and at particular members of the division, from a variety of sources. Institute of Ukrainian History, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Rising, David, R. Herschaft and M. Scislowska. Zformován v roce 1943, zničen ve … It also had the support of both the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the The Division SS "Galizien" was commanded by German, Austrian and Ukrainian officers.In total 81,999 men enlisted for service in the division. Aunque existió durante la guerra una tensión entre alemanes y ucranianos, la división galitzia fue la división extranjera de las ss con menor cantidad de desertores, de los cuales la mayoría desertó a grupos serbios de Charges of war crimes of Galicia Division have never been substantiated, either in 1950 when they were first preferred, or in 1984 when they were renewed, or before this Commission. 1), für einen Großverband der Waffen-SS, der 1943 mit ukrainischen (galizischen) … The Germans had earlier considered the formation of an armed force made up of Slavic people, but they decided this to be unacceptable as they regarded Slavs as sub-humans (The idea to organize a division of volunteers from Galicia was proposed by the German Governor of Wächter approached the Ukrainian Central Committee, a nonpolitical social welfare organization headed by The creation of foreign SS units had been carried out previously in the name of fighting against communism; with The Division enjoyed support from multiple political and religious groups within the western Ukrainian community.
The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) is today honored by many Ukrainian nationalists.There is also a monument to the division in St. Michael’s Cemetery in Anti-partisans actions on the Slovenian-Austrian borderAnti-partisans actions on the Slovenian-Austrian borderOfficial designation in German language as to "Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv“ in Williamson Gordon, SS Hitler's Instrument of Terror, Amber books 1994, pp.123–4Idzio, V. Ukrains'ka Povstans'ka Armiya – zhidno zi svidchenniamy nimetskykh ta radians'kykh arkhiviv, Lviv, 2005, p.82Hajke Wolf-Dietrich The Ukrainian Division "Galicia" Toronto, 1970 p. 17Idzio, V. Ukrains'ka Povstans'ka Armiya – zhidno zi svidchenniamy nimetskykh ta radians'kykh arkhiviv, Lviv, 2005, p.83Боляновський А.В. #1]) should not be indicted as a group. Дивізія «Галичина»: історія — Львів, 2000. Deutsch: Verbandszeichen 14. As for XIII.A.K., the final report of the Corps's liquidation commission (applicable to its regular army units only) recorded 21,766 killed or missing in action, which together with the 7,000 killed or missing men from the Galician Division brings to the total lost to about 29,000. The Brody pocket was now only 4 to 5 miles (6.4–8.0 kilometres) long and wide. Дивізія «Галичина»: історія — Львів, 2000. It also claims that over 17,000 soldiers and officers were taken prisoner, 28 tanks and self-propelled guns were captured, as were over 500 guns of various calibres, more than 600 mortars, 483 machine guns, 11,000 rifles and sub-machine guns, over 1,500 vehicles, 98 tractors and trailers, 376 motorcycles and bicycles, in excess of 3,000 horses and 28 warehouses full of military goods. Approx 7,400 were posted as "Missing in combat". During this conflict the Polish advantage in trained soldiers, particularly officers, played a significant role. Organizacji dywizji ze strony niemieckiej patronował gubernator Dystryktu Galicja Generalnego Gubernatorstwa – Otto von Wächter, zaś ze strony ukraińskiej polityczne zaplecze stanowił Ukraiński …

Waffen grenadier division der SS [gal. The Division's prime organizer and highest ranking Ukrainian officer, The Bandera faction of the OUN-B opposed the idea of creating the division, in part because it was an organization outside its control, and had claimed in its propaganda that the division was to be used by the Germans as cannon fodder. On the other hand, the recently declassified secret Soviet General Staff report states that during the course of the battle their forces destroyed more than 30,000 soldiers and officers, 85 tanks and self-propelled guns, over 500 guns of various calibres, 476 mortars, 705 machine guns, 12,000 rifles and submachine guns, 5,843 vehicles, 183 tractors and trailers and 2,430 motorcycles and bicycles. Debido al alto índice de bajas(solo el 20% logra escapar de la bolsa), la división se recompone con nuevos reclutas y a inicios de octubre de 1944 es enviada a Al hacerse evidente la derrota alemana en abril de 1945, la División Galizien es replegada a la región austriaca en torno a Durante toda la guerra hubo muchos roces entre los ucranianos y los alemanes en la división, pues los alemanes se quedaron con los mayores puestos en la división(incluso los de menor importancia), sumado a eso los ucranianos no tenían una buena opinión de su comandante, Freitag quien llegó a tratar de favorecer a divisiones alemanas antes que a las suya propia.