With 19 I’d opt for another T3 skill, probably DE.

Enterprise. Posted by.

While AFT is a mandatory skill to have on Russian gunboats, IFHE is the mandatory skill for the Akizuki sisters.

So in that sense I prefer the extra DPM and not rely on RNG fires (and with 10% more shells in the air the fire starting potential is still not terrible). Ranked build basically sacrifices DE and AR for RPF and you can enjoy having both PT and PM instead Link to my how to play series on How to Play IJN Japanese Gunboat Destroyer Line Kitakaze Wows World of Warships Review Guide is linked below. Since hargumo/kitakaze/akizuki rely soley on shell volume over fire chance, ... We need 22 pct Captain xD. Harugumo/Kitakaze CPT Skill. This thread is archived. (ii) Skills: I have no 19-pt captains and never plan for it (even Shoukaku only 18.5 pts with 385 games).

Second-order skills have no significant impact on play.All Destroyers in World of Warships can be roughly divided into three categories: During this time I played quite a lot of Yugumo, Shimakaze, Akizuki, and Kitakaze. For other personal reasons I now don’t play either (still might log on to keep my username :P). 6.

It includes a walkthrough of the captain skills , modules & upgrades at the start of the video followed by a highlights game displaying how well the ship performs with that particular build. Harugumo/Kitakaze CPT Skill. Perhaps I wait for free reskilling of captains to try more variations. We have many people on the subreddit discord that discuss and test builds but its not general knowledge to most of the public. I will update this post every time a new background gets released. In this part of the Guide, I’ll cover the selection of Captain Skills for Destroyers in World of Warship (In this guide on World of Warships, I mostly cover first-order skills for Destroyers.

Compared to her prototype, she had a higher speed and carried more powerful torpedo armament. I made some build adjustments and with the changes to aerial detection it's once again viable to play destroyers effectively but most importantly to have fun in them again.

Comparatively, I have Yugumo with: 126 battles, 63.49% WR, 65.4k Avg Dmg, and 2096 WTR. This World of Warships captain skills guide is also updated periodically to reflect the most recent changes to captain skills. Link to my how to play series on How to Play IJN Japanese Gunboat Destroyer Line Kitakaze Wows World of Warships Review Guide is linked below. Kitakaze I started with 15 pts (Yamamoto simply for spamming red tracers) and worked to the below 16 pts. Hey everyone.

All I want to add: the ship is hilariously broken and a nerf will be incoming eventually.

It's been a tough couple of weeks for dd players in world of warships with the cv rework but things seem to be settling down a bit. Priority Target (1 Skill …

Hello, I'm Shoukaku_Kai_Ni from WoWS.

Before I watched your topic I recognized I built just the same build on Haragumo. Discussion.

Unlocking the B Hull give To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. Captains should prioritise unlocking either the upgraded Hull or Gun Fire Control System first, depending on their own playstyle. Archived.

13 comments. Playing Kitakaze and Yugumo, the difference between them is almost comical, and among other things brought me to question my enjoyment of this game._________________________________________________________________________For a while, I was torn between mainly spending my time on WoWS or WOT: ships is more balanced (less snowballing stomps) but relatively too simple and thus boring, while tanks is less balanced but more fun (shots instead of salvos and meaningful armor means more important bounces, instead of simply shooting a relatively predictable target until all HP is gone).

Nice review, although the captain skill choice is a bit odd imo and could be expanded a bit. This ship was a further development of the Akizuki-class destroyers.

These are Soviet mid- and high-tier Destroyers, including Khabarovsk and Grozovoi, French high-tier Destroyers Mogador and Kleber, as well as Japanese high-tier artillery-focused Destroyers Akizuki, Kitakaze and Harugumo. I will be covering two main topics: (1) How I played Kitakaze, and (2) how Kitakaze fits into the current WoWS meta.Kitakaze is an extremely flexible destroyer with great concealment, good torpedoes, and outstanding guns. Endurance Captain Skills.