The Glock pistol he used to carry out the attack had been optimised to release the bullets more quickly, German media has learned from investigators.Other politicians were also quick to criticise the AfD. “We will take care of them,” he said.Lars Klingbeil, general secretary of the Social Democrats (SPD), junior partners in the coalition government with Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats, led calls for a clampdown on the far-right AfD, insisting it had contributed to a normalisation of far-right rhetoric.“One person carried out the shooting in Hanau, that’s what it looks like,” he told broadcaster ARD, “but there were many who provided him with the ammunition, and the AfD is definitively among them.” He said the AfD had contributed to a “poisoning of society” in the past few months and years, particularly since it entered the German parliament as the “It is very clear that the AfD is a party which should be under constitutional surveillance,” Klingbeil said. By clicking on or navigating the site, you agree to allow us to collect information on and off Facebook through cookies. Gehört Herr Kaminsky dazu?“Endlich ist es wieder soweit,wir können wieder unserer Tradition nachkommen.Liebe Hanauer und Großkrotzenburger,lange haben wir nichts mehr von uns hören lassen.Sicher könnten wir jetzt sagen,das öffentliche Leben ist lahmgelegt,da gibt es halt nichts zu berichten.Aufgrund der furchtbaren Ereignisse wird die Veranstaltung am Freitag den 21.02.2020 selbstverständlich abgesagt.Der OV Hanau und Großkrotzenburg ist erschüttert über die furchtbare Tat,die sich in Hanau am Abend des 19.02.2020 ereignet hat. O atentado de Hanau não teve honras de destaques noticiosos, nem dias de buscas de detalhes, nem dados sobre as vítimas e as suas famílias. "AfD-Funktionäre haben im öffentlichen Dienst nichts zu suchen" „Die Stadt Hanau erwartet, dass Teilnehmer der Gegendemonstration Schaden am Bürgerhaus verursachen werden. Bagatellisierte rechte Gewalt: Das Staatsversagen Dies ist die Seite der Alternative für Deutschland Kreisverband Passau - Freyung - Grafenau "Ein 43-Jähriger hatte am Mittwochabend im hessischen Hanau Die Bluttat hat zunächst nichts mit der AfD zu tun.

Am 21.02. findet dann unsere Veranstaltung in der Reinhardskirche statt zu der wir dieses mal hohen Besuch erwarten.Frohe Weihnachten wünscht Ihnen/Euch der OV Hanau und GroßkrotzenburgUnser letzter Info-Stand findet am 14.12.19 an der Sparkasse in Hanau statt.Unsere Veranstaltung am Freitag den 15.11.19 war ein echter Renner.Unsere nächste Veranstaltung wird ein echter Knaller.To help personalise content, tailor and measure ads and provide a safer experience, we use cookies.

O escândalo levou à demissão da Presidente da CDU alemã, mas o precedente criou-se.Mesmo tendo um país quase inteiro a condenar os atentados esta semana ocorridos em Hanau, é inevitável pensar na forma como se criam estas naturalizações. Gostaríamos de lhe mostrar uma descrição aqui, mas o site que está a visitar não nos permite. Bayern ist frei. The youth wing of the AfD, the JVA, is under constitutional watch, but the AfD is not.In Germany, if authorities establish that an organisation has what are deemed “extremist ambitions”, then it can be monitored closely using a variety of surveillance techniques.The chief federal prosecutor, Peter Frank, said on Thursday that Rathjen had demonstrated a “deeply racist mindset” in his internet posts. Some chanted “Nazis out” and “Never again”.The interior minister, Horst Seehofer, announced he would be increasing police protection at mosques and other locations considered vulnerable to attack by rightwing extremists, declaring, ahead of a meeting with representatives of the Turkish and Kurdish communities, that “the bloodstains of rightwing extremism are trailing across Germany”.As more details emerged of the nine victims, Seehofer warned Germans to brace themselves for a “spiral of rightwing violence”.Among measures he said he wanted to introduce immediately were psychological profiles to be carried out on those applying for weapons permits, after it was revealed that Rathjen had easily obtained his murder weapons, and had had his permit renewed.On Friday, the father of the only female victim spoke of his incredulity at the loss of his daughter, who was five months pregnant.Mercedes Kierpacz, 34, worked at a kiosk next to the Arena Bar, the second target attacked by Rathjen. Gökhan Gültekin, 37, a waiter at Midnight, was engaged to be married. 1.4K likes. Don’t blame the AfD for Hanau. “Of course there is a direct connection between the growing strength of the AfD and the increase in rightwing violence,” said Boris Pistorius, the interior minister for the state of Lower Saxony, and member of the SPD. To blow away nine people for no reason and then to go home and kill his mother? She was shot dead as she entered the bar to order food, her father, Filip Goman told the German newspaper Bild.“He gunned her down, just like that,” he said. Politiker mehrerer Parteien stellen offen in Frage, ob AfD-Funktionäre im Staatsdienst tätig sein sollten.

AfD OV Hanau und Großkrotzenburg.