To do this, I used a high side power switch controlled by a separate output from the Arduino. I tried adding servos[n].buttonpin to the if statement and adding "buttonpin" to the struct servoItem. The only modifications I can see that need to be done, is the programming. I’ve sent you an email with a sketch that controls 10 servos and that works here on my own layout. Maybe you can simply try by configuring a function output and have it use pin 13 on the Arduino in order to put the led on/off by DCC, just as a test. The problem is I cannot get the servos to operate.

!I have been working on a Loconet Throtle myself. Sets up immediately upon power up!! It IS able to interface with Digitrax for setting traffic control, through the CTC areas. Wenn man ein paar Dinge beachtet, dann erweitert man die blinkende und piepsende Arduino-Welt schnell mit Bewegungen und kinetischer Interaktion!

Standard servos allow the shaft to be positioned at various angles, usually between 0 and 180 degrees. This is a limitation of the servo library. In Model Railroad applications, given that we’re already routing track power, routing a few amps of +5 volt power to supply actuators like servos is a no-brainer for performance and system integrity. Interested in servo? I used Optoisolator 6N137 and schematic from mynabay.I mention that i’m using Arduino Leonardo and Arduino 1.6.5.When i finished i just make a test, turn on the serial monitor, turn on the DCC Command station (made from Roco)..and all the results from serial monitor is 0.

The signal pin is typically yellow, orange or white and should be connected to a digital pin on the Arduino board.

Various people have reported noise issues with Servos and model railways - electrical noise on the rails causes the servo to "twitch". As for accessory pins … you can use as many as the hardware has available.Les sketch sont ils compatible avec l’arduino nano everythis work well, but the servo is allways on, the servo is trembling.allwaysIt might be worthwhile to switch to the MARDEC software to use on your Arduinos. I’ll fix that coming Thursday.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Arduino as DCC servo decoder – tuning and configuration. I’ve tried adjusting multiple parameters but so far the only way to increase reliability is to reduce the number of servos (which I assume means that the longer for loops are taking too long to execute).

I will help all I can, and as much as I can. This makes life easier without having to plug in the computer.Alan, that’s great, indeed quite convenient. Driving the servos with L293D shield is as easy as pie. The second video shows the installation and configuration of the Arduino DCC software: the Mynabay library, the tuning software plus the DCC servo decoder software. We can do this together….Thanks for the tutorial. The first video shows how the Arduino can be tuned to find the minimum and maximum angles for our servos to correctly control our junctions or other hardware. my problem is, that it’s not possible to drive more than 14 servos with one Arduino, tested with Arduino mega Indeed the Arduino’s themselves do not have an address of any kind. However, I am finding that when I use more than 2 servos in the sketch with an 8MHz 3.3V Arduino Pro Mini, I often miss DCC instructions and have to resend them multiple times before the decoder “sees” the command. In this tutorial, an Arduino board will be used to power and control a small servo motor. For a bunch of such turnouts the ‘pinB’-solution would be the better idea, as you can use the ‘polarity’-relay for all turnouts and needs to add only one ‘switch impulse’-relay for each additional turnout.Yes, you have one servo pin plus one relay pin.

I have it working on Digikeijs DR5000, but for some reason it does not work flawless on a Digitrax CS. It is automatic with ATC. That must have happened the other day when I uploaded the S88 sketch. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.Hi.

Which of the two programs you have posted is the one with your button code?Two or three hours spent thinking and reading documentation solves most programming problems.To my mind you are going about the problem the wrong way.Two or three hours spent thinking and reading documentation solves most programming problems.Your suggestion is the direction I started to head into before seeing your reply. It is Arduino based, and will be compatible with Digital command stations.and throttles.Keep up the good work on this blog….

An ardu One pin on the Arduino picks up the DCC data and the other 17 I/0 pins are connected to LEDs. However, not all servos respect the same timings for all positions. if (servo[i].angle < servo[i].setpoint) servo[i].angle++;

On the Leonardo board is PIN no. if (servo[i].angle > servo[i].setpoint) servo[i].angle--; Would you be interested in helping me out with this?

The ground wire is typically black or brown and should be connected to a ground pin on the Arduino board.

It contains an OLED screen, 4 pushbuttons and a rotary encoder. I have also made it so the CTC Crossovers, gave their own servo interface(s), for turnout control.