But Dean always took the beatings to protect his little brother. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Balthazar (Supernatural) Castiel (Supernatural) mild emotional h/c; fluff end; Insecurity; insecure reader; haircut; angels are insensitive sometimes; but they apologize – Cas makes them because he’s a good guy like that; Summary. 深柜警官Dean Winchester在经历了和他前男友非常不愉快的分手后,他推辞了各种约会。就在这时,世界抛给他了一个难题——Castiel Novak医生出现了。他立刻爱上了这个极具魅力的男人,却发现他也有着不少自己的秘密。Lucifer, taking care of his brother Balthazar as he recovers from a history of alcohol abuse and addiction, decides that to save both his brother and their relationship they need an omega. He says that patricide will do the job. Supernatural Schauspieler, Cast & Crew. This is not mainly based around Destiel, but it still will have a huge part of the story.“Cas is coming home. He didn’t look healthy anymore, with his pale skin dotted with bruises and scars from his brothers.Dean Winchester was a little bit better off.
I just thought you should know.”No Kissing. Now he's left on the side lines, watching the love of his life be happy with someone else.Castiel (20) is surprised one night to find that the house across the street has a new family moving into it: the Winchesters.
Der neu eingeführte Charakter erobert mit Ausstrahlung und Charme in Windeseile die … Jaded and cynical on both life and love, Castiel's about to find out that even the most deeply-etched scars can be transformed into something beautiful when the right person is holding the pen.Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings ApplyGraphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage So long story short, I began to make this fanvid in November for one of our Convention's amv/fmv contest, buuuuuuuut things happened and here we are months later. (Calthazar vid. xDIn a world where an artist's magic brings tattoos to life, ink-gone-wrong can spell lasting heartache for those unlucky enough to experience it. But, the anger may blossom into something else.After all, in the orderly suburb of Millwood, it is rather treacherous to be out of the ordinary.Cass stares, then slowly looks away, a small smile following a long moment’s thought.“What about you?” Balthazar calls one more time. Now, he's being uprooted at the end of his junior year in high school to live in some hick-town in Kansas. Balthazar takes a dislike to Dean and Sam the moment he meets them, and Balthazar is often rude, obnoxious, arrogant and irritating. And it works.Castiel always scrambled at two in the morning to get his work done. That is, until his mom passed away and his father married Naomi. Liste der Besetung: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins u.v.m. Because he felt sorry for the pup; the little alpha carried the pup back to his encampment.John and Mary agreed to adopt the abandoned omega pup; raising the blue eyed cuteness alongside their alpha sons, Dean and Sam.It was during the years of growth, that Mary and John began noticing a special bond developing between Dean and Castiel. Verkauf Tickets Conevntion vor 2 Jahren When Castiel goes on a date with Balthazar, Dean subtly leaves his scent on Castiel. Balthazar, having reverted History, talks to Castiel about the War in Heaven and how it will affect the world. But, the childish dislike grows into something more dangerous, coming to threaten the lives of both who partake in it. Balthazar faked his own death in the Apocalypse, and Castiel believed him dead. Balthazar agreed, and then Castiel put in a word for him too, and the brothers released him. Smart, sharp and honourable, a picture of the American Dream in the 50s, he is respected by all.
People didn’t know that, in his past, everyday his alcoholic father had beat him. Until one day, Dean couldn’t take it anymore, he packed his things, took Sam and drove off in John’s ‘67 Chevy all the way to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.Castiel is a Hunter. But Castiel was shocked when he read a young boy's soul and he found out that Balthazar was alive. So, Atropos decides to give Castiel and Balthazar an ultimatum: she will kill everyone descended from the survivors, until Balthazar agrees to return History to normal. Castiel had a pretty decent life in Chicago. But Sam could kill Bobby because his own father needn't be the sacrifice.
Enter Mr Smith’s neighbour, “Cas-tee-el”, and there’s no neighbourly love lost between them. Aufgrund der neuen Zeit und mit der ihr einhergehenden Modernisierung, wird sein fahles Pferd durch einen weißen Cadillac Eldorado … Balthazar possessed all the regular abilities of an angel.