Despite this he continues to feed Kate. An unexpected event sets Tom on the hunt for information about his past. Kate contacts the Task Force and states she doesn't expect a deal in exchange for her help and justifies her actions to protect Elizabeth and stop Reddington. After that he offers her a job working for him to watch over and protect Elizabeth. Kate is looking after Agnes with Red while Tom is away and Red thanks her with everything she has done for her. When Red starts criticizing Dembe for not being able to protect her, Kate defends Dembe saying Reddington is too blame for this, making everyone believe he could protect her. When Red confronts her, Kate admits it and says she did it to protect Agnes from Reddington but he reveals that he knows they are in Cuba because When Liz refused to let Red in to see Agnes, Kate used the opportunity to propose Liz fake her death so she could escape Reddington's world. Kate then explains that she helped raise her as Katarina's nanny when she was just a baby. Staffel Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. One day while having a romantic dinner with Annie, an ex-con barges into the office and holds them at gunpoint. Denn eine Attentäterin dürfte mit Sicherheit auch einen Auftraggeber haben.Der Großteil der Episode folgt dem üblichen Schema. Meanwhile, Tom goes on the hunt for information about his past. When Liz tells him that his father, Howard Hargrave, was killed in a plane crash, he feels nothing. The hunter asks her who Reddington is and tells her she isn't leaving him many options, because if the rangers know he is squatting on public land they will kick him out. Katarina suddenly walks in with Masha and explains they fought and started a fire where Masha apparently shot the man. She is often seen helping Red dispose of bodies and clean up crime scenes. Over the years, Kathryn learned most of Red's secrets with the exception of the existence of In a flashback in 2013, right before the beginning of the “In 2017, she dealt critical damage to Red's criminal empire by exposing his history. Nick Hogan 3 years ago. Known only by her alias “Mr. | Powered By This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The hunter later helps her up and feeds her as he tries to get Kate to talk to him. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.Raymond Reddington is under attack, so he enlists help from the FBI task force to track down Isabella Stone. She explains that if he knew, she would be dead and didn't tell him, not to protect him but to protect the hunter. Die ganze Geschichte um den Fall von Reds Geschäftspartner Stratos Sarantos (Anthony Skordi) war dahingehend auch toll umgesetzt.

Tom’s father, Howard Hargrave, was killed in a plane crash, and despite his initial wish, he starts to dig into his family and his childhood. Kate is seen driving a truck hauling a trailer home when she stops to take medication for migraines she got ever since the shooting and calls her associate telling her she is cutting the trip short after one more stop. During the escape, Red’s associate is caught in the crosshairs and eventually dies.

Kaplan – Teil 1“ („Mr.

What really happened here?This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Red runs her transport off the road and kidnaps Stone to get his answers.

Ist sie vielleicht damit beschäftigt, die Strippen zu ziehen, die Red so gewaltig zusetzen? He talks to the detective in charge of the disappearance of Christopher Hargrave. Kate watches as Red saws off the man's head off while criticizing Kate for her sloppy plan and his distrust of her.

Kate is seen in a motel room watching a news report about a fire. Thankfully his brother had a successful surgery, but that doesn’t ease Ressler’s pain.