That’s war.”Meanwhile, on the beach, the British army had arrived in Neustadt and found the ships burning in the sea and the bodies of those who had been machine-gunned and beaten by SS officers earlier that day.                              Lubeka,depth above the wreck: On the spot is a shipwreck of the luxury passenger liner built in 1927. On 4 May 1945, a British reconnaissance plane took photos of the two laid wrecks, Thielbek and Cap Arcona, the Bay of Neustadt being shallow. Then the German Navy, the Kriegsmarine, appropriated the liner as an accommodation ship.She had three funnels, two propeller shafts, and eight steam turbines, along with 26 lifeboats and a full sized tennis court for passengers. ,depth at the bottom: It was now decided to commission a new flagship for their fleet, a ship that would be the grandest and most luxurious on the South American run. Docked in the Bay of Lubeck were the German ships Cap Arcona, Theilbek, and Athen. beginner,diving type: Besides the Hamburg-Amerika Line and the Norddeutscher Lloyd, who both operated on the North Atlantic, there was also the Hamburg-South America Line, in Germany popularly known as Hamburg-Süd. While diving, it is possible to find a lot of fish. Yet he had a remarkable talent of filming maritime subjects, and was therefore chosen for the job. Bis heute wurde die Verantwortlichkeit deutscher und britischer Beteiligter an der Versenkung der KZ-Schiffe nicht gerichtlich aufgearbeitet.                                                   She took both cargo and passengers between Germany and the east coast of South America until 1940. Five months later, on October 29th, she had been fitted out and would soon be ready to set out on her first voyage across the Atlantic. The following ten years meant continued success for the Hamburg-Süd, and in 1939 they operated 52 ships of a total tonnage of 385,000 grt. Georg-Henning Grav von Bassewitz-Behr, Hamburg’s last Higher SS and Police Leader, said they were to be sunk by U-Boats and killed “in compliance with Himmler’s orders.”The Allies were aware that Heinrich Himmler had gathered with other officers and planned to escape to Norway. The Gauleiter of Hamburg, Karl Kaufmann, was acting on orders from Berlin. You will find detailed information which hopefully will prove to shed some light on this fatal incident and almost forgotten tragedy.                                           Those ships held alltogether more than 10.000 people held previously in Neuengamme KZ and it's subcamps. The Kriegsmarine increasingly turned its attention to the massive sea rescue operation taking place in the Baltic Sea. At one point, Selpin lost his temper and made a number of harsh comments about the German navy. Through UltraIntelligence, the Western Allies had become aware that most of the SS leadership and former concentra… Seeing that the war was lost, Germany was on the run. While the battles raged across the globe, Hitler’s propaganda minister Goebbels decided to make a powerful movie to show how good the German people was and also how corrupted and evil its enemies were. I am guessing it was mostly submerged, and that people were evenly spread throughout the ship when it was sunk, hence the high loss of life. boat,currents: Wahrscheinlich erhielten die britischen Streitkräfte am Abend des 2. On November 19th 1927, the Cap Arcona left Hamburg on her premiere voyage. Bis heute ist umstritten, ob die Bombardierung vermeintlicher Truppentransporter zu diesem Zeitpunkt notwendig und gerechtfe…