After machines, textiles and metals are the next largest export categories, representing $256 billion and $185 billion respectively.China’s top three export partners are the United States ($432 billion, or 18%), Hong Kong ($258 billion, or 11%), and Japan ($166 billion, or 7%). Major suppliers of this product are Other Asia (49%), South Korea (16%), and Japan (6.5%). The five most exported products within this category are computers (8.8%), broadcasting equipment (6.6%), telephones (4.5%), integrated circuits (2.6%), and office machine parts (2%). For example, the US is the top importer of computers (29%) and broadcasting equipment (26%). As China is a continental economy with diverse ecosystems and a vast variety of food preferences, it is also home to eight ministries involved in regulating food safety, quality, and trade. This economic approach is sometimes referred to as state capitalism. Within this category, the most imported product is crude petroleum, making up 13% of all imports.

The second and third largest export products, after machines and electronics, going to Hong Kong are precious metals ($17.8 billion) and textiles ($16.5 billion). This partnership can be seen in the top five export products as well. Covering approximately 9,600,000 square kilometers, it is the third or fourth largest country by total area. Die Statistik zeigt den Wert des Exports von Gütern aus China von 2009 bis 2019. Japan also imports textiles ($24.7 billion) and metals ($9.58 billion)Over the last five years, exports from China have increased 11.8% annually.In 2014, China imported $1.53 trillion worth of goods, placing China as the second largest importer in the world. For example, the US is the top importer of computers (29%) and broadcasting equipment (26%). The China Import and Export Fair started in 1957. This partnership can be seen in the top five export products as well. VAT is collected regularly on imports at the border. Relatedness is a predictive of the probability that a country increases its exports in a product. During the last five reported years the exports of China have changed by $313B from $2.27T in 2013 to $2.59T in 2018.In 2018 China imported $1.61T, making it the number 2 trade destination in the world. This gave the country a trade surplus of $834 billion. In 2018, China exported $2.59T and imported $1.61T, resulting in a positive trade balance of $977B. # China International Import Expo Bureau . The top services exported by China in 2018 were Other business services ($66.2B), Transportation ($42.3B), Travel ($40.4B), Computer and information services ($30B), and Construction services ($13.6B).The top services imported by China in 2018 were Travel ($277B), Transportation ($109B), Other business services ($47B), Royalties and license fees ($35.8B), and Computer and information services ($23.5B).This section shows forecasts for total product exports and imports for China. China, officially the People’s Republic of China, is a country in East Asia and the world’s most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion in 2017. The major suppliers of crude petroleum, the country’s number 1 import, to China are Saudi Arabia (16%), Angola (13%), and Russia (11%). During this time, it experienced an annual growth rate of 10%. Relatedness measures the distance between a country's current exports and each product. Click any date in the line plot, any subnational region in the geomap, or any product, destination or origin country to explore the exports or imports behavior of China over time.This section shows the differences between China's total subnational aggregate trade throughout time. To explore different subnational trade comparisons in time, visit China's subnational profiles.In 2018 China exported a total of $2.59T, making it the number 1 exporter in the world. The economy in China is the second largest in the world by gross domestic product (GDP) and the largest in the world by purchasing power parity (PPP).

Imported ores, slag and ash posted the sole increase in cost among China’s top 10 import categories, up 20.4% from 2018 to 2019. China’s total imports and exports reached 31.5 trillion yuan in 2019. We consider only countries with population of at least 1 million and exports of at least $1 billion, and products with world trade over $500 million. China has a socialist market economy, dominated by government-owned industry in an open market. In 2019, the United States exported approximately 107 billion U.S. dollars worth of merchandise to China, the lowest value since 2011. Besonderheiten für den Lebensmittelexport China ist mittlerweile der weltweit zweitgrößte Importeur von Waren nach den Vereinigten Staaten und ein sehr interessanter Markt für deutsche Unternehmen. Conveniently located in Sheffield, we pride ourselves in providing you with products that are high quality, cost-effective solutions at prices anyone can afford. Im Jahr 2019 wurden Waren im Wert von rund 2,5 Billionen US-Dollar aus China exportiert.