The Overflow Blog The best answers are voted up and rise to the top coach station (coach stations plural ) A coach station is an area or a building which coaches leave from or arrive at on regular journeys. However, 1144 words were primarily used as nouns, while the remaining 380 words were different types but could be used as a noun. The noun window for example has the plural form windows, and not from the Old Norse plural form where it would be something like windogo. Some nouns have a fixed plural form and take a plural verb. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company There isn't much point in using words that are not understood. Perhaps it's just as well that 'buses' took over.Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!Learn a new word every day. Featured on Meta The plural form could either be borrowed from Latin, or formed in English. English Language & Usage Meta The English use of stadium comes from the tiered infrastructure surrounding a Roman track of such length. Anybody can ask a question It's quite common that only the singlar form of a word is borrowed from another language, and that the plural form is formed as is common in English. Detailed answers to any questions you might have

(BRIT) n-count in AM, use bus station

Plural; Most Nouns: lamp scythe: add s: lamps scythes: Noun Ending s, sh, ch, x or z: bus dress: add es: buses dresses: Nouns ending [consonant] o: hero zero tomato: add either s or es (There are no rules for this - you have to know.) Therefore the length of Olympia's stadium became somewhat of a standard measure of distance. It only takes a minute to sign up.If my memory of Latin lessons serves me correctly, it should really be Though most dictionaries disagree, Stadia in its strict sense is supposed to used only to measure lengths in excess of 1 stadium (which is equal to 200 metres approximately)This is what Wikipedia says - "Stadium" comes from the Greek word "stadion" (στάδιον), a measure of length equalling approximately 200 metres.

They are not used in the singular, or they have a different meaning in the singular. Perhaps it's just as well that 'buses' took over. There are many irregular plural nouns, such as woman (women), potato (potatoes), or tooth (teeth), and some nouns are the same in both the singular and plural forms (such as sheep and fish), but most nouns are made plural by adding -s, -es or -ies.

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The plural form of patch is patches. John Lewis goes home Severe storms cross Midwest

Anybody can answer The oldest known stadium is the one in Olympia, in the western Peloponnese, Greece, where the Olympic Games of antiquity were held since 776 BC. +1, should've had read this wiki article more thoroughly - the thought that stadia may be used only for measure of lenght did occur to me.thanks for that, I'm going to windogo in code from now on!

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