Once you kill him you get the Rod.. not a single troll attacks, all of this takes place at the top of the stairs. Right-click configure will allow the user to choose between siphoning energy or both energy and memories. You will also lose all of the item's charges.A vacuum that can suck the energy from wisps, storing it in empty divine charge containers.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The exception to this is gathering from an enriched wisp, as it's guaranteed to give enriched memories, and they are more efficient to convert in the rift. Empty divine charges fill up slower but it provides more freedom of what the player wishes to use the memories for. Right-click configure will allow the user to choose between siphoning energy or both energy and memories. Then talk to Bly, talk about the Divine-O-Matic Rod. The second mode siphons divine energy and normal memories. You will also lose all of the item's charges. The energy gathered from harvesting will still charge the same as if the player had used the other mode. Different tiers of energy will fill a charge different amounts. For example a luminous wisp (tier 90) will fill a charge by approximately 1% while a pale wisp (tier 1) takes about five harvests for the same amount of charge. When using a divine-o-matic set to destroy memories, alongside a Nightmare muspah familiar, a You must manufacture another one at an Invention workbench. He will become angry, and when you finally let him out he will fight you immediatly, along with the other prisoners so let them out one at a time. The vacuum will not convert memories from an enriched wisp with this option toggled on. When first starting to use the divine-o-matic vacuum one must first add The first mode, which is the default, is called "Siphon Energy".

When using a divine-o-matic set to destroy memories, alongside a nightmare muspah familiar, the From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScapePlease add tips to the subpage, rather than the article below.A vacuum that can suck the energy from wisps, storing it in empty divine charge containers.You must manufacture another one at an Invention workbench. Converting memories to energy will fill charges at the same ratio as if the player used those energies to make divine charges themselves, and converting to experience or enhanced experience will not fill the charges at all.

For example a luminous wisp (tier 90) will fill a charge by approximately 1% while a pale wisp (tier 1) takes about five harvests for the same amount of charge. An easy and cost-effective way to obtain powerful components is by purchasing Insulated Boots for … Powerful components are uncommon materials used in the Invention skill. Empty divine charges fill at a quicker rate but the memories also have a chance of being destroyed rather than charging the containers, which appears to be about 50%. You will also lose all of the item's charges. Empty divine charges fill up slower but it provides more freedom of what the player wishes to use the memories for.

If the memory is not destroyed, it will convert into charges by the same amount as if manually converting via the rift. Divine-o-matic vacuum: 101 Invention: 180 × Metallic parts 750 × Smooth parts 120 × Powerful components key = 1 val = Dungeoneering lock melter key = userparam val = Smooth parts key = # val = 1 key = smw-resultqueryoffset val = 0 key = smw-resultquerycondition val = [[Made from item::Smooth parts]] key = ?item val = Dungeoneering lock melter key = smw-resultquerylimit val = 50

The second mode siphons divine energy and normal memories. The default option is just siphoning energy. Because of the chance of memories being destroyed rather than used, it is still recommended to utilise the If the player wishes to make the most divine charges per hour without worrying about experience, it is recommended to use this mode, as the extra time harvesting energy is more efficient than running to and converting memories in the rift, despite the fact that 50% of the memories will get destroyed.

Empty divine charges fill at a quicker rate but the memories also have a chance of being destroyed rather than charging the containers, which appears to be about 50%.

The vacuum will not convert memories from an enriched wisp with this option toggled on.