The reply frequency is different for X and Y channels, and different for channels numbered 1-63 and 64-126. not synchronous, are referred to as filler pulse-pairs, or Less than 30 interrogation Pulse-pairs per second, as the average number of pulses in SEARCH and TRACK is limited to max 30 pulse pairs per second. Slant range error is most pronounced at high altitudes when close to the DME station. 1-MHz columns. VORs are assigned radio channels between 108.0 MHz MegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz and 117.95 MHz MegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz (with 50 kHz KiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz spacing); this is in the Very High Frequency (VHF Very High Frequency (30-300 MHz)) range.The first 4 MHz MegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz is shared with the Instrument landing system (ILS) band. Thanks Keef - it was my original gut feeling that an antenna either works or it doesn't, and that a tired component inside the box was a more likely explanation for a frequency-related problem. 2 DME Signal Characteristics DME transmission frequencies are 1 MHz apart. Replies to weaker (normally the more distant) interrogations are ignored to lower the transponder load. However, many have operational restrictions largely based on line-of-sight blockage, and actual performance may be different.DME frequency usage, channelization and pairing with other navaids (VOR, ILS, etc.) The military uses them because the stations are much smaller than a VOR, so they can be located where VORs can't such as on a ship. Channel Frequencies (MHz) VOR or ILS localizer ILS glide path MLS angle Airborne DME and TACAN Ground-based DME and TACAN 50Z - - 5063.1 1074 1137 51X 111.40 - - 1075 1012 51Y 111.45 - 5063.4 1075 1138 51Z - - 5063.7 1075 1138 52X *111.50 332.9 5041.2 1076 1013 52W - - 5041.5 1076 1013 DME beacon peak power is about 1-20 KW. Frequencies: TACAN operates in the UHF (1000 MHz) band with 126 two-way channels in the operational mode (X or Y) for 252 total; Air-to-ground DME frequencies are in the 1025 to 1150 MHz range; Ground-to-air frequencies are in the 962 to 1213 MHz range When added to a VOR, you have a VOR/DME. The beacon transmits a pulse pair back to the aircrafts from where the pulse pair have been received within its range. (Pulse-pairs that are not coincident with the individual aircraft's interrogation pattern e.g. TACAN also supports air-to-air mode which is commonly used by tankers. However, ground-based navigation will continue, for three reasons: I have a strong suspicion that the problem is frequency related, because we can never receive DME from VORs at about 117 MHz and above, whereas we always receive DME from ILS frequencies in the range 108 MHz to about the mid-111 MHz. Do civilian GA aircraft usually have a TACAN receiver or is that usually a military thing? and ground beacon in these four modes. DME Frequencies Can anyone give me info on DME frequencies, how channel spacing is split between X and Y, what are the pulse pair timings etc. The Overflow Blog The best answers are voted up and rise to the top The method in 2.2.4 is recommended for determining adjacent channel separation. Both the DME and TACAN pulse pair is of gaussian shapewith duration of about 3.5µS and separation between two pulses is about 12 µS for X-mode and

about 100 to 300 nautical miles. The Z channels are multiplexed with the Y channels and do not materially affect the channel plan. What are these channel numbers and how do you use them?They are DME (TACAN) channels. Discuss the workings and policies of this site A DME interrogator is designed to automatically tune to the corresponding frequency when the associated VOR is selected.