If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Elena, try our Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community.Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community.But people literally argue about how to pronounce it. We pronounce it like Helena, without the H. I don't get how folks get a hard "A" sound out of the second "e." I always see that hard "A" in Elaina. I watched The Vampire Diaries when it aired and as a character Elena is so honourable. I see that many Berries pronounce it like Ee-lay-na, and it just doesn't seem right to me.

We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Elena. I'm one who bring this I thought I was the only one who has the spanish pronunciation (to make it so, there is an accent on the second "e", so people should call me Elèna). Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. So, it does not make sense why these two spellings would be pronounced the same. Ella has parallel derivations, first as the Norman variation of the Germanic Alia—itself a nickname for names containing the element ali. What's more, it's silly to argue about such things because any name English speakers use from a different language will naturally be changed to fit English phonology, so it will never be "correct" anyway. This definition explains the P2P communication model, how it’s used to create P2P networks and why it can pose performance problems and risks. I also like its meaning a lot.If you give your daughter this name, you probably will be asked if you got it from the Vampire Diaries TV series though so be prepared for that.very pretty yet strong, perfect combo :) too bad it is on the rise though :(I adore this name, I do wish the CW would stop using it for their heroines though. Johann Bernard Theodor Altum était un zoologiste et un forestier allemand, né le 31 décembre 1824 à Münster et mort le 1 er février 1900 à Eberswalde (province de Brandebourg).Il était un important ornithologue et fut le premier à présenter une théorie sur la notion de territoire pour les oiseaux, à laquelle il a associé leurs chants. ({{memberCouncil.CouncilAbbreviation}}, {{memberCouncil.CantonAbbreviation}}) Absolute favorite name. The name Sarah means Princess and is of Hebrew origin. To rate names on Nameberry, please register for an account or log in to an existing account.You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Elena on Nameberry. 300 104 cso tcp CCSO name server protocol 105 cso udp CCSO name server protocol 105 csnet-ns tcp Mailbox Name Nameserver 105 csnet-ns udp Mailbox Name Nameserver 105 3com-tsmux tcp 3COM-TSMUX 106 Known Unauthorized Use on 106 3com-tsmux udp 3COM-TSMUX 106 Known Unauthorized Use on 106 rtelnet tcp Remote Telnet Service 107 rtelnet udp Remote Telnet Service 107 … My daughter watches "Elena from Avilor" on Disney Jr., and it is also pronounced A-lay-nuh too. I still look for names that would one day catch my heart like this one for my future kid(s) but I always go back to this one. I can imagine this name on any age. See more. "el-len-uh", my grandma was Spanish, my grandfather Italian, her name was the spanish way, but my grandfather called her "ellenuh"When my mom married an Italian man I took on the Where are they getting the "ee" in the pronunciation? I don't understand the a-lay-na pronunciation. We have the Helena spelling as well (h is silent), though not as widespread.My husband's family is from Colombia, and they all say A-lay-nuh. To each their own.Love my name, but also don't like the way it's pronounced. Some people say they "are too southern" and some literally say they "won't even try". I would say that eh-LAY-nah is a closer approximation than eh-LEH-nah, but neither is entirely correct. A beautiful girl who doesn't know that she's beautiful, and even insists on denying it.

From the Latin name Sebastianus, which meant "from Sebaste".Sebaste was the name a town in Asia Minor, its name deriving from Greek σεβαστός (sebastos) meaning "venerable" (a translation of Latin Augustus, the title of the Roman emperors).According to Christian tradition, Saint Sebastian was a 3rd-century Roman soldier martyred during the persecutions of the emperor Diocletian. But, would hate to have my daughter nicknamed Kathy (but hey, it'll be her choice) also, my sister-In-law is named Katherine but she goes by Katie and lets just say that name is off the table because I despise my SIL. And I used to hate it because it was too unique.