A Primaris Version of the … To be the Emperor's Champion is to be oath-bound to oppose the enemies of the Emperor in all things and at all times, to be a living manifestation of the Emperor's wrath, and to inspire others to acts of valour and righteous hatred against the enemies of Mankind. Here, he is clad in holy raiment, donning the Only a handful of Emperor's Champions arise each century, their emergence a miracle worthy of remembrance, and at any given time there can be only one in the Chapter. Mate that is top work! While the champion does not follow orders from his former commanders, he answers to a greater power, and the Chapter is content to allow him to seek out specific enemies or war zones as guided by his visions. I think the white looks great as well.If you want to change the helmet to something more Templar like, there is a helmet in the forgeworld red scorpion kit that would be awesome! The effect of the Emperor's Champion on a battle is undeniable, and many Black Templars Battle-Brothers believe that it is a blessing merely to fight beside one. This warrior will challenge any enemy, no matter how mighty, for he is the Emperor's Champion and divinity rests upon his shoulders as both mantle and shroud. The practice is much less co…
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Filled with divine courage, he will hurl himself into the thickest fighting or against the greatest enemy warlords, selling his life for the glory of his Chapter while taking scores of the foe with him. This one seems pretty straight forward. In a ritual that honours his divine deeds, the In the millennia since the first Emperor's Champion took up blade and armour with divine anger and righteous purpose, hundreds of Black Templars have borne the title. Emperor’s Champion. Becoming the Emperor's Champion is a singular honour and few Space Marines attain that status more than once in their lives. Almost all Chapters of the Space Marines have had an Emperor's Champion of their own at one time or another, especially during the period following the Horus Heresy, known as the However, the position of Emperor's Champion has played an important role within the ranks of the zealous In battle, it is the duty of a designated Emperor's Champion to seek out and challenge the commander of the enemy force, fighting him or her in single combat for the glory of the Always at the forefront of the Black Templars' battle line strides a singular figure, his gleaming blade carving a path of ruin through the foe.
On the eve of battle, Black Templars brethren pray and fast. Even when a powerful blow or blast knocks the Emperor's Champion to the ground, he will haul himself to his feet, shaking debris from his armour to continue his charge into the foe. The Emperor’s Champion is “just” a Marine that is selected to take on the mantle of the Emperor’s Champion and is provided with the armament of the Emperor’s Champion. Only those who have become the Emperor's Champion and survived can hope to understand the time in which Sigismund lived, and the weight of his duty to smite the enemies of the Emperor. The Imperial Fists Reassured, Sigismund strode across the war-torn scenes of carnage, of hell on Earth, challenging any and all Ever since Sigismund was elevated to the rank of the first High Marshal (It is written in the holy texts of the Black Templars that when a Battle-Brother is gifted with divine visions guiding him to take up the mantle of the Emperor's Champion, it is the memories of Sigismund he sees. Indeed, as far as they are concerned, that the Emperor's Champion is unique to the Black Templars only goes to prove their profound connection to the Master of Mankind and the strength of their devotion. All of these things come naturally to the The mantle of the Emperor's Champion is not without variation, for Astartes must be flexible in the manner of their wrath, delivering unto the Emperor's foes the most deserved death and, to this end, a number of traditional vows exist that serve to focus the hate and fury of the Champion and his Battle-Brothers. It is a shifting vista of warring angels and vengeful gods, just as the ancient Space Marine witnessed during the war for Terra and the blasphemy of the Horus Heresy. Few would dare refuse, for the Battle-Brother's eyes burn with the zeal of his duty and the weight of his oaths is an almost palpable thing. During the long night of prayer, a single Battle-Brother will be visited by a vision sent by the Emperor, a ghostly dream of a pale, blazing knight struggling against a sea of foes. Even though he might stride through the ranks of his Battle-Brothers, he does not heed the orders of Captains nor share their objectives. Thanks for the suggestion though!Base is for a different model I own, not the EC, he’s just going to be on a normal tabletop oneConversion from Primaris captain, relic blade, Mk III arm, etcEdit: I really do love it though, Black Templars for life.Add some red dust to his legs if this is his home New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castWarhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds.