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Exports of salted whole cod fell by 52 percent last week compared with the same week last year.
In addition to Denmark, which is a traditional reloading market, fresh whole cod was exported to Spain, the Netherlands and Sweden. Fresh salmon exports increased by 52 per cent last week, despite the closure or reduced visitor numbers of many restaurants. Congo was the largest market in week 21, followed by the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. The price measured in NOK increases, while the price measured in Euro falls. Year to date, export is down 43 percent, and in February it was down by 83 percent. Basis für diese Einschätzung war der Ausbruch der Krankheit SARS in China 2002 und 2003.Allerdings, so warnt das IFO-Institut, könnte das Corona-Virus mehr wirtschaftlichen Schaden anrichten als SARS. This is despite the fact that the NOK has strengthened in recent weeks. So far this year, Norway has exported 9 958 tonnes of fresh salmon to China.
-The United States depend on imported seafood meet consumer demand, and 90 percent of the seafood consumed is imported. The average export price for fresh whole cod fell by 6 percent to NOK 33.70 per kilo in week 19 compared to the same week last year. "We are seeing a continued positive development in the export of fresh whole salmon to processing markets such as Poland and the Netherlands. In the corona period from week 9 through week 24, salmon exports were at the same level as last year.
This year we see a decrease of 13 percent in round weight, compared to week 15 in 2019. Since the WHO categorized the virus a pandemic, many governments, including Norway, have imposed some of the most severe restrictions on travel and social interactions known in peace time. In week 13 it increased by 13 percent to 508 tonnes.
This is also reflected in the growth in exports of frozen fillet products from Norway, which have been growing for several weeks," says Ingrid Kristine Pettersen, seafood analyst at the Norwegian Seafood Council. Three markets in particular have stood out positively recently, China, Hong Kong and Israel. This represents 59 percent of total seafood exports in volume, and 63 percent of the value. Several of the Norwegian Seafood Council’s representatives in the markets are reporting on at times empty seafood shelves in the supermarkets, says Paul T Aandahl, seafood analyst at NSC. Much of fresh salmon is sold as pre-packaged products," says Mollan. To learn more about how we use your data when you interact with the website, please read our Exports of fresh salmon to China fell by 97 percent last week to 15 tonnes compared with the same week last year.
This is a decrease of 15 percent compared to week 15 in 2019," says Aandahl.
Despite the current US flight restrictions only affecting passenger travel, it is expected to impact seafood exports. Februar schloss die Börse in Shanghai mit einem Minus von 8 Prozent – besonders hart traf es die herstellende Industrie, Materialwirtschaft und Konsumgüter. “Exports to the EU fell 4 percent for fresh whole salmon during the Easter week. “To the US market, where transport capacity for fresh salmon was severely affected in week 12, fresh Norwegian salmon exports fell by 89 percent, whilst fresh fillet exports remained at the same level,” says Aandahl. Physical barriers have been set up in front of the few fresh produce counters that are open. During the corona period from week 9, exports of salted whole cod have fallen by 12 percent and cod clipfish have fallen by 26 percent.
“Exports of fresh whole salmon to Asia increased by 1 percent last week compared to the same week last year.
"We are seeing continued price growth for most products measured in NOK, but there is a significant price drop measured in Euro especially for fresh products compared to Easter week last year.
In the grocery store where the majority of Norwegian fish are sold, we see seafood flying off the shelves and the producers locally report that they have had significant increases in sales, but that they are struggling to keep up with the increased demand. On Thursday last week, new cases of Covid-19 were reported in Beijing and the outbreak was linked to the capital's largest food market, Xinfadi. It is expected that prepacked fresh seafood and take-away will perform well in this period, says Stabell. "However, increased home consumption in France has so far not compensated for the loss of the restaurant segment. “Saltfish and clipfish exports continue the good development, especially to Portugal. Surveys show that 80 percent of Brazilians buy only basic goods as a result of the crisis: rice, beans, potato and cheap animal proteins. It is hard to predict how much fresh fish will go to these regions, as the fish competes for the limited capacity with other goods, such as machine parts and medical equipment, Aandahl explains.
"Japan was quick to implement restrictions to prevent early spread of the Corona virus. The HoReCa (Hotels/Restaurants/Catering) sector is particularly affected, whilst retail and delivery services are reporting growth as a result of many countries’ self-isolation and quarantining measures. Although the markets are relatively tourist-dependent, it is not expected to affect the economy or demand for clipfish of saithe much going forward," says Øystein Valanes, the Seafood Council's fisheries envoy to Brazil. Nonetheless, large parties of cod will now go to other uses, such as salting and drying, says Ingrid Kristine Pettersen, seafood analyst at NSC. Brazil and Portugal are the two largest markets for cod clipfish. -The frozen food sections in stores are being raided by consumers who are buying a few more packs than usual, says Sigmund Bjørgo, NSC country director in Sweden. This growth is expected to slow as people eat the produce they have purchased. In recent weeks we have seen that exports to Congo, Congo-Brazzaville and the Caribbean have increased. So far in 2020 there has been a decline in exports of fresh salmon to markets such as China and Italy, directly related to the outbreak of the Corona virus. This provides a new opportunity for the processing industry, both in Norway and internationally. Email sent to __email__. Exports of frozen whole cod have been positive so far this year.