is a business information platform for the European plastics industry.

It is part of KI Kunststoff Information and PIE Plastics Information Europe, one of the leading content providers for the European plastics industry. German injection moulding company Gaudlitz (Coburg; is still in the red.This was revealed by the latest quarterly figures from its parent company H&R Group (Salzbergen / Germany;, whose Plastics segment that Gaudlitz manages posted an operating loss of EUR 0.1m in the first quarter of 2020 after reporting an operating income of EUR 0.1m in Q1 2019.

Among other things, the status of authorized economic...Following the successful transfer of a medical product to the GAUDLITZ plant in Wuxi, China, in December of last year, further important milestones on the road to the expansion of medical engineering activities have now been passed. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. News & Fakten. Coburg Coburg Gaudlitz will "sachgerechte Lösung" Die Geschäftsführung informiert Mitarbeiter über Angebote zum Ausstieg aus dem Unternehmen. Ihre News im plasticker? Gaudlitz sieht dies als einen wesentlichen Schritt zur Steigerung der Umsätze in allen Geschäftsbereichen und dabei das Gewicht der Medizin, - Pharma und Labordiagnostik Produkte signifikant zu erhöhen.

Neben dem Stammwerk in Coburg mit einem eigenen Präzisionswerkzeugbau und thermo- und duroplastischer Spritzgießfertigung, stellt GAUDLITZ hochpräzise Kunststoffteile auch in Wuxi/China und Dačice/Tschechien her.

Hieß es damals noch, dass etwa 10 Prozent der rund 260 Arbeitsplätze in Coburg wegfallen müssten, hat man sich vor kurzem mit den Arbeitnehmervertretern im Rahmen eines Sozialplans auf rund 80 Stellen geeinigt.

Get the latest breaking news from Cobourg's online newspaper, We offer daily updated business news and reports, in-depth market analysis, polymer prices and other services for the international plastics industry, including a suppliers guide, career opportunities, a trade name directory and videos.Injection moulder remains in the red / Crisis in automotive industry a big burdenGaudlitz temporarily shut down production in the first half of April (Photo: Gaudlitz)Following job cuts and a restructuring programme at Gaudlitz, H&R had expected better development.

Gaudlitz-Stammwerk für Kunststoffverarbeitung in Coburg (Foto: Gaudlitz) Das Spezialchemieunternehmen H&R (Salzbergen) hat zum Ende des ersten Halbjahres 2020 nach vorläufigen Zahlen deutlich negative Auswirkungen der Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen auf die Umsatz- und Ergebnisentwicklung zu verkraften. Due to the current situation around the corona virus, there may also be limited availability. Stay current with local journalism dedicated to your community. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation rund um das Corona-Virus kann es auch bei uns zu eingeschränkten Erreichbarkeiten kommen.Die wachsende Ausbreitung des Corona Virus, sowie die Reaktionen in der Automobilindustrie (Werksschließungen vieler OEM's und Systemintegratoren der 1. und 2. “Due to the many closures of car manufacturers and auto components suppliers, the cost benefits that would have resulted from these measures were unable to materialise,” said H&R’s quarterly report. Jul 5 2020.

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Coburg und Umgebung: Bei uns erfahren Sie schnell und aktuell, was in der Region passiert. Update Profile. On September 1, 2011 12 young people started their apprenticeship at GAUDLITZ.

769 were here. At the end of...The components of the GAUDLITZ stool sample preparation device, which is already on sale in several countries, can be manufactured in a variety of colours. If you are thinking of emphasizing the corporate identity of your company in your own...The presence of Gaudlitz on the worldwide web has now been added to and comes into immediate effect. Since 2012, 80 users at GAUDLITZ's headquarters in Coburg have worked with proALPHA. Start of training - 12 apprentices start their work life at GAUDLITZGAUDLITZ GmbH receives AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) CertificateGAUDLITZ China gears up for the medical sector with the successful certification and expansion of the sales team.GAUDLITZ stool sample preparation device shines in a variety of coloursGaudlitz extends its internet presence with a new website for metrology ( View Christian Fechter's business profile at Gaudlitz GmbH.
« Ludwig Thoma...we are committed again, especially in challenging times...On 7 September the GAUDLITZ Cup took place for the second time. The plastic processing company in Coburg raised the number of apprentices compared to the year 2010 which shows that the training of young people is an important part of...At the end of August the medium-sized plastics manufacturer from Upper franconia was awarded the status of 'authorized economic operator' thanks to a succesful completed certification process. Der Standort Coburg wurde bereits im August 2009 erfolgreich nach dieser Medizin-Norm auditiert. With its approx.

... , Coburg, Bavaria, 96450, Germany. Project.