Berth: Second-hand Keser Hollandia 1000 AK in Germany (Germany). 54.990,00 € This boat has been sold or desactivated.

Efficient, cheap and easy. Vor 30+ Tagen. Information from the shipyard catalogue. 59.900 € Mülheim Ruhr (Germany) 59.900 € Mülheim Ruhr (Germany) Boat not available. Efficient, cheap and easy. Hollandia Keser 1000 AK used year 1994 . Hollandia 1000 AK for sale! Find further information about condition, year and price.

Hollandia 1000 AK im gut gepflegten Zustand mit 100 PS Diesel . Please tick this box if you want to send the request. Buy a Hollandia 1000 Twin AK *reduziert online today on Sale of Speedboats reference 45510 Test & Preview Keser Hollandia 1000 AK, Erstwasserung 1987, 1 x 100 PS Volvo Penta TMD 31 Diesel, Bugstrahlruder, ... Volvo Penta D4 (260-hp) Diesel Engine 2011 Review / Performance … If you specify your request, you will receive a more appropriate answer: The cookies collect information in an anonymous form.Create your alert and receive in your email similar boats to the Keser Hollandia 1000 AK Type: Cruiser.

65.000,00 € Second-hand Keser Hollandia 1000 AK with engine, 10.50 m in length, and 3.4 m beam length.

If you specify your request, you will receive a more appropriate answer: Holländisches Stahlschiff im sehr guten gebrauchszustand, Eigner gepflegt!!! Motor: 4-zylinder volvo penta Diesel mit 100 ps Antrieb: über Wellenanlage... . Please tick this box if you want to send the request. 64.850,00 € 55.000,00 € Hollaendisches steelship in very good condition, owner maintainedHollaendisches Stahlschiff im sehr guten Gebrauchszustand, Eigner gepflegt Test & Preview Keser Hollandia 1000 AK, Baujahr 1995, 1 x 100 PS Volvo Penta TMD 31 Diesel, Bugstrahlruder, Fäkalientank, ... Keser Hollandia 1000 AK 1080p Test & Preview Volvo Diesel Stahlverdränger. Plaue, Brandenburg an der Havel. By pressing the button you accept the You can unsubscribe from your alerts whenever you like. We promise not to show any invasive advertising.We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better.You can use this tool to change your cookie settings. Technical data sheet of the second-hand Speedboats for sale. Buy a 1000 AK online today on 64.990,00 € Year : 1994. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue.We also use some non-essential cookies to collect information for making reports and to help us improve the site. 59.500,00 € Berth: 65.000,00 €

Hollandia Keser 1000 AK. By pressing the button you accept the We have sent an email with your request to the advertisers of the selected boats.You can cancel your subscription by clicking on the "Cancel subscription" link which appears in the emails we send youWe'll let you know if ithis boat goes down in priceWe'll let you know if ithis boat goes down in priceOnce you have accesed your account or created a new account, you will go back to the page you were looking at.It seems as if you have an ad blocker activated. € 69.990 . 62.500,00 € Cruiser from the year 1994 - 10,50m length - in Mülheim Ruhr (Germany) Used boat 59.900 € Features of Hollandia Keser 1000 AK: Basic data . Some elements of the website will not be shown correctly.We recommend disactivating it while you visit our site.

Request more photos 61.500,00 € Motorboot. 59.990,00 € · Verkaufshafen Brandenburg-Plaue Germany Buy KESER HOLLANDIA 1000 AK Motor boats. Spam melden. Hollandia Hollandia 1000 Twin AK *reduziert for sale!

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