Mit unseren zahlreichen Standorten in Berlin und Brandenburg kommen wir zu Ihnen. • Dr. med. It’s what keeps solutions relevant over time. Herzlich willkommen bei in Berlin I have a system that fulfills all of my wishes. Wir wachsen weiter. Samstags) versuchen wir auf Ihre Bedürfnisse einzugehen. Samstags) versuchen wir auf Ihre Bedürfnisse einzugehen. Radiologisches Versorgungszentrum: Mitte am Jüdischen Krankenhaus “Our colleagues found it difficult at first, just as with every software change. Dr. Friedburg initiated the introduction of medavis RIS and remembers: “When we founded the imaging center in 1990, we introduced another RIS. Hier gibt es mehr davon.

Both sites benefit from the central CALL CENTER for scheduling patients. Mit unseren zahlreichen Standorten in Berlin und Brandenburg kommen wir zu Ihnen. The RIS module MULTIPLE SITES allows you to work with central worklists.

Local public transport (ÖPNV) S-Bahn - S Sundgauer Str. Sie und Ihre Gesundheit stehen bei uns stets im Mittelpunkt. This is still the same today, but the processes have been further optimised in many points: “Everything has to be done quickly. If a new patient calls, you can create a new record and already document the details relevant for the examination. PACS makes all pictures available in less than one minute, independent of how many studies the patient has. Opening hours. 9 14612 Falkensee.

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“With medavis, we have reached a new efficiency for scheduling,” Dr. Friedburg says pleased. • Familienfreundliche Praxis Weitere Information finden Sie hier:

If we compare images with an image database in the future with techniques of pattern recognition and analyse them by defined criteria, in the future RIS could make suggestions and support the decisions of physicians.Or: What does the medavis Referrer Portal has to do with Medical Tourism?Or: What does the medavis referrer portal have to do with the German Business Award?One RIS for Radiological Institutions of all Sizes Success Story Dr. med. med. Privatarztpraxis Rathenow an der Havelland Klinik Torsten Straube,Specialist physician FMH Radiology und Neuro-radiology,Medical Radiological Institute in Zurich, Switzerland This first commercially organised...Do not hesitate to contact us. not plausible, as services that rule each other out have been entered, the responsible staff receives a notification in order to make sure that the correct invoice is sent. If the service entry is e.g. Quality in all we do. Habt ihr Fragen zum Strahlenschutz, dann fragt doch die Experten. The complaints quickly became less and the employees are now very satisfied with their RIS. Ralf Wandt Optimal Workflows generate more Time for Patients and Job Satisfaction When established in October 2013, the imaging center “Radiologie Gersag” decided to...Experts work withmedavis RIS Success Story Thomas Heim, Physician for Radiology and Radiotherapy and his ColleaguesRadiological Center North, BerlinThe IT solution for the radiology fulfills all expectations, runs smoothly and convinces as reference installation...Efficient Workflows and enthusiastic Referrers Radiologicum Donauwoerth secures pole position with medavis RIS Success Story Marko Molnar, Senior MTRA and Head of ITRadiologicum in Donauwörth Germany The Radiologicum is a radiological imaging center in the northern...MRI Zürich 5 Stars for Quality, Speed and Reliability Success Story Simon Preisig, Head of ITDr.

Luckily, we left the detour with cassettes behind us and have been using digital dictation since 1998. It is clearly company policy at medavis to invite both assistant employees and the head physicians to system trainings regularly. Heinrich Hofstetter Dr. med. medneo Berlin Mitte - diagnostic center & headquarter Schwere Gefäßerkrankungen können bis zur Amputation führen, daher ist eine zeitnahe Therapie entscheidend. According to Dr. Friedburg, the future will bring further interesting digital mile stones, e.g. In addition, an IT employee of iRad trained by medavis, who knows the system very well, takes care that the system runs reliably.

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We also document the patient’s consent for the procedure in RIS,” Dr. Friedburg summarises.In the course of the merger with the imaging center in Durlach in 2012, it was important, that medavis RIS would be used as central system at both sites. Already in 1998, the radiologists worked with the medavis RIS.