For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed James Hewitt is a former British Army captain who had an affair with Princess Diana in the 1990s James Hewitt has always denied he is Prince Harry's biological father despite having an affair with his motherPrincess Diana's lover James Hewitt denies he is Prince Harry's father Here's everything we know about him...James Hewitt is a former household cavalry officer in the British Army.The 60-year-old was born in Derry, Northern Ireland, but was brought up in Kent and Devon before being educated at one of the country's top public schools - Millfield in Somerset.He attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and was commissioned into the Life Guards - a senior army regiment - as a second lieutenant in 1978.In 1991 he served as a Challenger tank commander in the Gulf War but failed the exam for promotion to major three times.Hewitt retired from the Army in March 1994 after 17 years of service and opened up a golf driving range.The following year rumours emerge that he had been having a five-year affair with Princess Diana.In 2006 he appeared on a celebrity spin-off of the X Factor as part of a duo with Rebecca Loos.In 2009 Hewitt set up trendy bar The Polo House in Marbella, Spain, which subsequently closed in 2013.James Hewitt suffered a heart attack and stroke and given emergency surgery after he was rushed to hospital in May 2017.He was initially treated at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, Devon, before being transferred to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in a serious condition. He came to public attention in the mid-1990s after he disclosed an affair with Diana, Princess of Wales, while she was still married to the heir apparent to the throne of the United Kingdom, Prince Charles. Juli 1961 in Sandringham, Norfolk, England; † 31. E lui finalmente svela il mistero: "No, non lo sono. Anders ist das Interview von Skirennläuferin Lindsey Vonn (28) mit der „New York Times“ kaum zu verstehen. Der Name bezieht sich auf abgehörte Telefongespräche zwischen Diana und ihrem Jugendfreund Gilbey, in denen er sie mit dem Kosenamen „Squidgy“ ansprach. It has been claimed the decorated army veteran has struggled with health problems this year — and at one stage was close to death. Die Vermutung liegt doch wohl nahe, dass diese Ehe arrangiert wurde, denn damals konnte Charles seine große Liebe Camilla nicht ehelichen, da sie verheiratet war. WIE ihr über Diana berichtet. Aber der Glämmerschei, der GLÄMMERSCHEIN!!! Diese Zeilen passen besser in Frauenzeitschriften und wären vor über 20 Jahren aktuell gewesen. Prinzessin Diana (†36) James Hewitt oder Prinz Charles: Wer ist Harrys ... Klingt, als würde es noch spannend werden in der Beziehung zwischen „Ehemann und Ehefrau“. 16 Oct 2015 - Explore jackieoconnor37's board james hewitt and princess di, which is followed by 179 people on Pinterest. Nach dem Schlussstrich soll sie ihn angeblich mit Hunderten von Telefonanrufen zuhause belästigt haben. Hewitt ha ricordato davanti alle telecamere il momento in cui si è innamorato di Diana: "Aveva un alone speciale, non eravamo mai stanchi di vederci", racconta, "facevamo lunghe camminate in spiaggia, io cucinavo, lei lavava i piatti. e P.IVA 06823221004 - R.E.A. Paparazzi verfolgt und zu Tode gehetzt (Focus 51/1997) - Lieb-haber also jemanden der sie lieb hat, hat sich Diana NACH Bekanntwerden von Charles Affäre mit Camilla gesucht. In occasione dei 20 anni della scomparsa di Diana Spencer, ex moglie di Carlo, fanno a Hewitt la domanda delle domande. It’s worse for him, probably, poor chap.”Ken Wharfe also wrote about the speculation in his book, which he described as "nonsense" and said that He said: "A simple comparison of dates proves it is impossible for Hewitt to be Harry’s father. In dem Interview, in dem Diana 1995 über Charles und Camilla plauderte, gestand sie auch ihre eigene Affäre mit dem Reitlehrer James Hewitt (59). ‘Nothing is going on,’ she would say, her face flushing red, as we drove back from a tryst, usually with the atmosphere tense in the car.“I would assure her that I had no interest in anything but her safety, but she must have thought I was stupid or deaf.“The pair usually met at an old cottage in Devon belonging to Shirley, Hewitt’s mother, where the creaking bedroom floorboards told the story more loudly than any confession.”Hewitt reportedly tried to sell 64 love letters from Lady Di, disclosing intimate details of their tryst for £10million, according to the James Hewitt has been rumoured to be Prince Harry's dad since news of his relationship with Princess Diana became public more than 20 years ago.He denied the speculation in a recent interview with Australian Channel Seven’s Sunday Night host Melissa Doyle, who quizzed him over the relationship.When asked if he was the royal's dad, Hewitt replied:“No I’m not.”Pressed further on the persistent whispers, he told the presenter: “It sells papers.