But Kim is also keen to ease the international sanctions that are squeezing his country's poor economy.After years of isolation, Kim has appeared more eager to reach out in recent years, partly because he has achieved the ultimate bargaining chip: an intercontinental ballistic missile theoretically capable of carrying out a nuclear strike on the U.S. mainland.This isn't all about Washington. A former top NATO official accuses Trump of having a 'love fest' with Russian President Vladimir Putin  Former Secretary of State John Kerry accused Trump of 'writing love letters to dictators'Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Kerry in front of the Washington MonumentA scathing video showed Trump with Chinaese President Xi Jinping'President Trump has degraded and debased the presidency and our country in the eyes of the world,' said former Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, who served as secretary of defense under President Obama.Former Secretary of State Colin Powell cut his own speech where he said Biden 'will be a president we will all be proud to salute. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. 'Trump throughout his presidency has defended his relationships with world leaders, including adversaries. 'Thanks to President Trump, our adversaries are stronger and bolder,' said Tom Countryman, a former assistant secretary of state.Jack Weinstein, a retired Air Force general, called Trump a 'danger to national security.'

Kim Jong-un arrives in Vladivostok for his first meeting with Vladimir Putin. The Russian president said he would be willing to share details of the discussion with Trump, claiming that "there are no secrets" in this process.The summit, he hoped, would "help better understand what should be done to settle the situation on the Korean Peninsula".But what Putin is actually willing or able to achieve is unclear. We are no longer accepting comments on this article.Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media GroupHusband is left paralyzed after being hit by stray bullet when he insisted on going to the store with his new wife to hold her umbrella near Prospect Park in Brooklyn as gun violence in NYC spirals out of controlNever-ending election: Trump says November's results might not be known 'for weeks, months, maybe ever' because of mail-in ballots - then claims only he can save the American Dream from 'total anarchy, madness and chaos' Former US Army Green Beret who said America needed to be 'cut down to size' is charged with sharing top secret information about his chemical and Special Forces units with Russian intelligence over 15 years Trump offers to send in the National Guard after cop declare a RIOT in Portland on the 86th consecutive night of unrest as BLM protesters clash with police and smoke bombs are set offTrump asks why 'Suburban Women' would vote for Biden amid unrest in Democrat-run cities and 'let their low income suburbs plan return on steroids'Mourner from Robert Trump's funeral 'punches restaurant worker in the face and breaks his nose' after the server said their party was too big to accommodate due to COVID-19Obama's CIA chief John Brennan is interviewed for EIGHT hours by US attorney investigating origins of the Russia probeLouisiana police shoot and kill a black man 'with a knife' at a gas station as he walks away from them and ignores their instructions to get on the ground after 911 disturbance call'Poisoned' Putin critic Alexei Navalny's plane lands in Germany for emergency care - as his doctor reveals he's in 'induced coma' to stop 'deep convulsions' after 'toxins were poured into his tea' in RussiaNational Enquirer company chief David Pecker who led the tabloid as it buried stories on Trump and other celebrities steps down as CEOMesmerizing footage shows SIX waterspouts in the Gulf of Mexico as Houston goes on alert for double whammy from Tropical Storm Laura and Tropical Storm Marco - that could both hit as hurricanes at the SAME time on Wednesday Red Hot Chili Peppers' guitarist Jack Sherman passes away aged 64 as the band pays tribute to 'unique' musician'There is nothing I'm hiding': Husband of missing Colorado mom Suzanne Morphew, 49, claims cops have 'destroyed evidence' and are trying to 'blame him' in first interview since his wife's disappearance three months agoDriving through hell: Motorists desperately try to escape California wildfires that have killed six with two of the blazes now in state's top ten biggest EVER as Gov.