If this identification is deactivated or deleted (e.g. MUAS is aware, however, that simply clicking on links to these social media sites can lead to your personal data being passed on, regardless of whether or not you are a member of the social network. In particular, even external users who have been authorized by the deleted or deactivated ID no longer have access to the data. The access to the data of "LRZ Sync+Share" is either via a web interface (sufficient for most use cases) or via clients/apps (for the full functionality of the service, e.g. This data can technically be used to create a profile for an individual. For university employees, Boxcryptor licenses can be provided as part of a normal purchase. By adding tag words that describe for Games&Apps, you're helping to make these Games and Apps be more discoverable by other APKPure users. The service is offered for independent use. The Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) values the opportunities for communication offered by social media. LRZ Sync and Share offers you quick access to your data, anywhere and anytime. It supports Sync, Backup, Versioning, Collaboration and Sharing of Files all in one Tool. You can also share and exchange your data with other people. MUAS has no control over the consequences of this. Scope of functions . Für eine komplette Darstellung und problemlose Navigation muss JavaScript aktiviert sein! There, all essential information about the usage of the system is listed in detail and the most frequent questions are explained in detailed FAQs . The maximum upload size is 2GB, please use one of the desktop clients for larger files: Download Clients Select an external sharing option (see the following table). | Share, sync and backup your files online. Share, sync and backup your files online. The Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) offers the service "LRZ Sync+Share" for all university members . Important Notes Support services . Install: pip install lrz-sync-share Usage: Password changes can be made as usual via the The data transfer to the LRZ Sync+Share - Folder is encrypted. This data can technically be used to create a profile for an individual. Assistance can be found on the First contact person is always the local IT support officer in the The Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) values the opportunities for communication offered by social media.

FIThydro Scandinavia Workshop × × But your Please note that the free version of BoxCryptor may only be used for personal purposes and not for commercial or professional purposes. LRZ Sync+Share allows you to easily manage all your data. Share, sync and backup your files online. A storage volume of 50 GByte per user is available, which cannot be increased further.

Select Sharing. LRZ Sync+Share Library. We use cookies and other technologies on this website to enhance your user experience.

LRZ Sync&Share is an alternative solution to Dropbox, iCloud, etc., which are not subject to German data protection legislation, and therefore may not be used by state institutions. LRZ Sync and Share offers you quick access to all your data, anywhere and anytime. It supports Sync, Backup, Versioning, Collaboration and Sharing of Files all in one Tool. Files for lrz-sync-share, version 0.1.0; Filename, size File type Python version Upload date Hashes; Filename, size lrz_sync_share-0.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.0 kB) File type Wheel Python version py2.py3 Upload date Mar 31, 2018 Hashes View So20 Kirch Ausgewählte Fragestellungen × × MUAS is aware, however, that simply clicking on links to these social media sites can lead to your personal data being passed on, regardless of whether or not you are a member of the social network. Copyright © 2014-2020 APKPure All rights reserved. when a person leaves the University of Applied Sciences Munich), the associated files are automatically and irretrievably removed from the storage system. Clicking on these links will take you away from the secure area for which MUAS is responsible. Please bear in mind the data protection regulations and settings of the provider. Clicking on these links will take you away from the secure area for which MUAS is responsible.