This is due to the new customisation mechanics introduced in Exodus, that allows weapons to essentially become entirely different weapons with certain modifications. You’ll see a comparison of your current weapon and the one you’re swapping in, so you’ll know whether you’re losing stopping power.Looking for the best upgrades? ". Metro Exodus technically has the most amount of handheld firearms in the series, even though it doesn't seem like it at first glance. But there are some that are just downright better than others—as well as some general rules to follow when figuring out which guns you should take on a mission.Weapons deteriorate as they’re exposed to the elements, including sand, rain or blizzards. For Metro Exodus on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Picking up weapons? Melee weapons are weapons used in hand-to-hand combat, usable melee weapons in Metro games include various knife variants. Shotguns are close-range weapons that fire buckshot. Not every weapon can take every type of attachment, but some weapons share the same pool of attachments. The following is a list of these "hidden" weapons: Kalash: An all-rounder—it doesn’t deal much damage, but it’s decent at any range. But don’t worry—the attachment will be available when you’re back at the Aurora, where you can flick through and customise all your guns at will.

Sniper rifles are semi-automatic or bolt-action weapons for long-range combat. You have to hunt down upgrades strewn about the world, searching off the main path for minor improvements in damage or accuracy. Metro Exodus. Ashot: Wildly inaccurate, but dishes out more damage than any other gun in the game.

Every gun could function in real life thanks to the extraordinary efforts of 4A Games' weapon designers

It sounds overwhelming, but you’ll soon get used to it—and this guide is designed to help you do just that. Revolver: A reliable, powerful pistol that kicks heavily, so you have to wait between shots.

To swap weapons at your workbench, click on the gun icon at the top of the screen, then the two arrows in the menu on the left. You have to decide which weapon loadout works best for a given situation, and you often don’t know what lies ahead.

You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. And you need to keep your weapons clean of water, sand and snow to make sure they’re performing at their peak.

This class includes various (even non-lethal) throwable pieces of equipment, as well as explosives that can be either thrown or placed down. Almost all weapons can equip some form of sights (a red dot sight, a scope and/or a laser sight) and an extended magazine. In the novels, weapons are hardly ever referred to with their exact designation. When you take the new attachments, you’ll get a small orange icon on the right of your screen. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Metro Exodus > General Discussions > Topic Details. Shambler: A revolving shotgun with high damage and low accuracy. NY 10036. These weapons use compressed air to fire various metal projectiles. However, most handguns appearing in the games can be modified and converted into rifles or small carbines, which are fired using both hands. All weapons have multiple slots with several (usually 4) different parts available for each slot.

In Metro 2033, there are no direct customization options, however, some weapons have multiple variants which can be found, or, more commonly, bought at Metro Last Light introduces an attachment system available for most weapons.

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Feb 23 @ 1:29am Sam's Story weapons in main game In love with the colt in the DLC but it was too short, is there a away to obtain it fully customized in the main game ? Bulldog: An AR that’s an upgrade on the Kalash in every way, except that it fires slightly slower and degrades faster. Bastard: A rapid-fire SMG that stays accurate when you spray, but is prone to overheating and jamming.

Here’s everything you need to know about the weapons in Metro Exodus, from which guns are best to where you can find the most important upgrades.

Parts in different slots can be combined freely, so there are countless amounts of different configurations available for each weapon. Thankfully, 4A Games gives you plenty of guns to play with, from six-shooter pistols to Gatling guns and sniper rifles—you’ll soon find your favourites. Pneumatic weapons are an interesting concept that emerged in the Metro after the war. In Metro Exodus, customisation options have been greatly expanded.

This affects their condition and damage output, so you’ll want to clean them as often as possible. You have two ways to change which guns you’re carrying—either you can swap a weapon with one you find on the floor, usually on a downed enemy, or you can choose between all the weapons you’ve previously found when you’re back at your workbench on the Aurora, the train that acts as your home base throughout the story. Pistols and shotguns Revolver: A reliable, powerful pistol that kicks heavily, so you have to wait between shots.

However, if you factor in the modifications that can be made in Metro Exodus, that number climbs from 10 to 19. Valve: A high-damage sniper rifle with a hell of a kick.

Handguns are small firearms which are usually held by one hand in their default form. These are automatic weapons that fire intermediate cartridges.

To slap on your new attachments, open your backpack by holding the I key at any time. New York, Takes a long time to reload. ©