Fig trees were planted in the site where the palace was constructed, due to which it was called Ras Al-Teen (fig). Enter a destination or property name. Cruise Lines International Association Member №00435435

It is most spectacular seen from the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of few palaces in Egypt that witnessed the early 19th century initiation by Muhammad Ali Pasha (r. 1805-1848) of the long Muhammad Ali Dynasty. Check-in Friday. Ras El Tin Palace. Room 1: Adults. 12 hours ago Delete Reply Block. 0-17. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook. Ras El- Tin palace was built by Muhammad Ali Pahsa, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in Alexandria, in the 1830s. It was totally reconstructed by The formal garden is open to the public, but not the palace itself.including Yezi Bek, his assistant La Vial, and Le Veroige. The palace is located in the Ras el-Tin quarter of Alexandria overlooking the city's Western Harbour.Built on a rise above the harbour on the eastern seashore of Alexandria, the palace is one of a number of construction developments in the city initiated by Muhammad Ali to serve as a vice-regal palace. No part of this site may be reproduced without our written permission.I want emails from Lonely Planet with travel and product information, promotions, advertisements, third-party offers, and surveys. 19 and 21) at the beginning of June 1915. Originally built in the 1830s for Egyptian ruler Mohammed Ali, it’s now part of a naval base and was an official presidential residence. Following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, the palace was where the penultimate monarch of Egypt and Sudan, King Farouk, signed his abdication, and departed from Egypt in exile.A number of foreign architects and engineers were commissioned by Muhammad Ali Pasha for the design and construction of the palace. The adjacent pool house included a sitting room, bed chamber, fully equipped small kitchen, and rooms for staff and storing recreation and fishing gear.Ras Al-Teen is used as a naval base and for hosting state guests and events in recent years. Historic Building in Alexandria. Ras el-Tin Palace, (Arabic: قصر رأس التين Qaṣr Ra's al-Tīn, literally, "Cape Fig Palace"), is a palace on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in Alexandria, Egypt. Ras el-Tin Palace. Choose from more than 47 properties, ideal house rentals for families, groups and couples.
The pool was linked to Ras Al-Teen with a narrow and long paved lane atop the breakwater, with a jeep used to pass through waves breaking over it. It is one of few palaces in Egypt to witness the initiation of the long-lasting Muhammad Ali dynasty by Muhammad Ali Pasha during the early 19th century. 27 Comments 10 Likes Statistics Notes Full Name. It was erected on an area of around 17 thousand square meters surrounded by a marvelous garden of 12 feddans with a fountain decorated with 16 statues of mermaids holding fish on its northern side. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Rooms. The famous Italian artist Giuseppe Amisani, painted several artwork of the royal palace. It was totally reconstructed by King Fuad I in the 1920s, with modern services and redecoration making it similar to the opulent Abdeen Palace (built 1863), the larger royal complex in central Cairo. The palace has a long historical association with Egyptian royalty. Initially based on the shape of a Roman fort,Ras El Tin Palace has the shape of a large Italian Various rulers made changes to the palace. It was here that King Farouk signed his abdication papers in 1952. Ras el-Tin Palace is the oldest royal Egyptian palace still in use. A number of foreign architects and engineers were commissioned by Muhammad Ali for th Ras El Tin Palace Alexandria Dining Room Entrance Entrence Fountain Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Explore an array of Ras el-Tin Palace, Alexandria vacation rentals, including houses, apartment and condo rentals & more bookable online. If you want to find things to do in the area, you may want to check out Montazah Palace and Pompey's Pillar. Along Alexandria's western shore, past the shipyards, you’ll spot Ras El Tin Palace. It was erected on a foundation of 17,000 square metres (4.2 acres), surrounded by elaborate gardens of 12 feddans (13 acres). English: The Ras el-Tin Palace in 1931, on the Mediterranean coast in Alexandria, Egypt.
The royal summer palace, built in the mid 19th century, and used as such until the last king's abdication in 1953. Building activities began in 1834, taking eleven years to complete the original design in 1845. Share. Ras el–Tin Palace is the oldest royal Egyptian palace still in use. The former royal palace of Ras Al-Tin stands on the eastern seashore of Alexandria, its distinguished Italianate architecture serving as a memory of Egypt’s royalty.

Originally built in the 1830s for Egyptian ruler Mohammed Ali, it’s now part of a naval base and was an official presidential residence. Being a registered user gives you privilege to save all cruise itineraries that you build in your account and access them later on any device. Complementary work and construction of additional wings continued two more years until 1847, when it was officially inaugurated.Ras el-Tin Palace has the shape of a large Italian Renaissance palace, with architectural elements and ornamentation inspired by that era. There are over 16,000 woodworking plans that comes with step … The palace is located in the Ras el-Tin quarter of Alexandria overlooking the city's Western Harbour. Save.

Depicted place: Alexandria: Date: August 1931. Ras el–Teen Palace, which initially took the shape of a Roman fort characteristic of several round pillars and Italian ornaments inspired by the renaissance, is considered the oldest among existing palaces. Ras el-Tin Palace is located in Al-Jumruk. They were all opened in Alexandria, No. Candice Dotson. Under the Muhammad Ali Dynasty of Egypt and Sudan, it was a royal palace. It is the oldest royal Egyptian palace still in use; it’s currently used by the Egyptian navy.