zur Betreuung der Büros Moskau, Warschau, Prag und Kiew und den zugehörigen Projektregionen im Zentrum für Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit der RLS in Berlin. Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung’s objectives are to provide political education programs, support academic research and insights into social dynamics, and offer assistance to civil society initiatives.The Beirut office currently works within Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, in close cooperation with local partner institutions, groups, and individuals on site. A special dossier on the gendered impacts of the pandemicA new dossier presents scholarily perspectives of the Global South on the rise of the Right and strategic responses from the Left A new bi-weekly discussion show from the Rosa-Luxemburg-StiftungMillions of workers face mass layoffs because of the pandemic, revealing deeper flaws in the cheap…Syria’s uprising and conflict, from the perspective of the Palestinian campsThe institutional logic behind Israel’s bureaucratic apparatus that regulates and restricts life…A critical assessment of 11th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International…The country is bracing for new elections in 2021, but dangers loom on the horizonFor decades, the nuclear industry boasted of a “nuclear renaissance”. Sozialforum. On 21 June, the Citizens’ Convention on Climate submitted its 150 recommendations to the French president, aimed at enabling France to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, in line with the Paris Agreement target that the country signed up to at COP21 in 2015 in Paris.Almost two years after the first protests and shortly after the 2020 Bastille Day: What to make out of the Yellow Vests and the state of French democracy? Have the Yellow Vests and other protest shaken the French political establishment?The takeover of the Bastille by ordinary French women and men represented a massive turning point in the French Revolution, and, while Bastille Day is now typically celebrated with Europe’s largest military parade and other accoutrements of crude nationalism and reactionary state power, the Place de la Bastille remains a major popular square, a meeting point for ordinary people from all over Paris and beyond, as well as a common site of protest and political demonstration.Raw material extraction, transportation and waste disposal are triggering environmental conflicts worldwide. The work of the Scholarship Department is assisted by roughly 130 academic liaisons together with the staff and networks of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.This website uses cookies. It stands within the tradition of the workers' and women's movements, as well as anti-fascism and anti-racism. The Scholarship Department also awards grants to foreign students (MA only) and PhD students who are temporarily residing in Germany for study or research purposes.PhD students must be accepted at a German universityThe Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung's Scholarship Department offers scholarship holders a wide range of support, consisting of political education events and summer schools, workshops conducted both domestically as well as abroad, symposia and educational trips. Information on eligibility requirements and application forms for the scholarship can be found on the Funding is available to BA and MA students from all disciplines and all state-approved institutions of higher education who meet the requirements sets out in §8 of the German Federal Law on Education and Training (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG), namely students holding a German passport and immigrants with prospects of residing in Germany permanently.

Die Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung sucht zum 01.06.2019. eine/n Referenten/Referentin für Mittel- und Osteuropa.
The Foundation considers itself committed to a radical perspective of enlightenment and social criticism. Sprungmarken: Navigation; Content; Multimedia; RLS in Europe; Dossiers; Publications; To page top; Dossiers. Syria’s uprising and conflict, from the perspective of the Palestinian camps . Our work mainly focuses on the promotion of “positive peace” and the eradication of structural violence, engaging with the implications of migration, statelessness, and human rights, and advocating for leftist perspectives and actors. Social-ecological transformation . The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung's Scholarship Department offers scholarship holders a wide range of support, consisting of political education events and summer schools, workshops conducted both domestically as well as abroad, symposia and educational trips.

While, on one hand, we seek to support these actors in their local work and activism,, we also want to reflect their positions and perspectives into a German and international context and promote the exchange between different leftist networks and actors.“I cannot resist, cope with, or mourn a tragedy that I do not see. Through cooperation with local and international partners, we aim to foster alternative economic development, and to empower disadvantaged groups, while also focusing on conflict prevention, and post-conflict reconciliation. Bearing the name of Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919), the RLS is committed to the legacy of the revolutionary left and works within the tradition of worke Referenten: Dejan Marković (Roma Forum Serbien) Wenke Christoph (Europareferat der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung) Moderation: nd-Redaktion. Send your application to info.beirut@rosalux.orgBeirut, Badaro, Benoit Barakat Street, Al –Rahhal building, 6th floorSign up to receive email for the latest information. The combination has proven explosive.

Located in Lebanon, and in close proximity to the ongoing conflicts in Syria and the (post-)conflict dynamics in Iraq, the Beirut office utilizes a specific programmatic trajectory in order to address the preeminent processes. Beirut, Badaro, Benoit Barakat Street, Al –Rahhal building, 6th floor.One of the objectives of our work is to support projects related to these thematic programs. Die Podiumsdiskussion wird veranstaltet vom Solidaritätsdienst International e.V.