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The product names are derived from the throttle included in the set, an LH90 or LH100. Result, decoder stops instantly.
If first you reduce the speed steps to zero, then hit the reverse direction button while the loco is still slowing, it will continue to slow normally, and come to a stop gently, ready to start off again in the opposite direction when power is re applied.However, if my memory serves me, my pals gaugemaster prodigy system does not do this. LE10310-02: 10310-02 Silver mini + with wires: Lenz 10310-02 "Silver Mini+" 0.5/0.8A with cables. Like i said, it only happens with some of my more recent Lenz+ version decoders.I contacted A & H Models today and the gentleman didn't appear to be aware of this problem or of a firmware fix. Lenz\'s upgrade to this decoder may well have been to substitute transistors with a higher peak current rating. Cheers....................Bob. if you hit the reverse direction button while the loco is still under power, it is like hitting the emergency stop, but for just that loco. I can only live in hope, as this problem mucks up the computer control (Rocrail) of my layout.If worse comes to worse i'll have to ditch the offending decoders and go back to TCS ones which don't have any of these anomalies.Looks like there are some inconsistancies maybe depending on which system you use. The LZV100 is the basis of the Lenz DIGITAL plus Set-90 and Set-100. I have a big red button on the layout to stop the whole lot.I think NCE will shut down the entire layout with multi-tap (three times?) Signal light variations. European makers in A, and US makers in B. Tony.You've not come across the firmware problem with Silver+ series then. All decoders will do this regardless of maker.option B which appears to be used by Gaugemaster(MRC), NCE, certainly used by Digitrax (I own a couple of different ones) and Sprog. Signal light decoder. Most makers do not publish anything, so what appears is "whatever happens to be spotted by someone who can be bothered to update the list". This prevents the locomotive wheels from continuing to turn, for example: in the case of a derailment.
Mit RailCom ist bidirektionale Kommunikation zwischen Lok und Zentrale möglich: es können neben der Lokadresse auch weitere Daten (z.B. Super smooth locomotive running whether it is low speed shunting or accelerating a deceleratingFull conformance with the NMRA DCC Recommended practicesLocomotives fitted with Lenz decoders can still run on 12v DC (analog) layoutsDecoders can run on 14/27 and 28/128 speed step formats allowing them to be used on both new and old DCC Systems.Gold Mini decoders have solder points for S.U.S.I. Either that or spend £100+ on a Lenz decoder programmer. Please note that not all Lenz command control products are Lenz is an electronics company, whose involvement in command control began in the 1980s as a contractor to In the early 2000s, Lenz decided to rename their products from Set 01 and Set 02 to Set 90 and Set 100 respectively. I have no connection with the shop other than customer.Is there such a thing as a version list so that I can easily refer to it.Not sure how up to date that list is - the version number of the very latest TCS DP2X-UK decoder (with BEMF) is 86! Interface through pins 1-4 in the PluX interface for specialist modulesThe DIGITAL plus SILVER locomotive decoder has a built in NMRA 8 pin plug and is suitable for all DC locomotives with continuous current draw of 1.0 Amp. Touch Cab was an application for Apple iOS devices that enabled the user to use the device as a throttle. of the emergency stop button.You need to be a member in order to leave a commentSign up for a new account in our community. The main product is Lenz's Digital Plus. This is confirmed on some German forums. Therefore if returning decoder to A&H, specify that they have to test on a system which is known to behave like B.When designing a Throttle, the designer can choose to behave (at least) two ways if the user changes direction with a non-zero speed selected.option A which Lenz appear to use according to Bob's reports, as does the Uhlenbrock Fred which I own. Its not total, but suggestion of a trend.
!Thankyou all for your help......the list was of some good use, but it doesnt show all the Lenz references I was looking for.In particular, version 93, which I suspect is a Lenz Standard, but there is no reference to it........Version 96 is not shown either.I shall do some more searching.....and maybe email A&H if I get stuck.Not sure how up to date that list is - the version number of the very latest TCS DP2X-UK decoder (with BEMF) is 86! Willkommen zu einer neuen Ausgabe unserer Technik-Reihe. Its primary use is to assist operators in providing sufficient power to large layouts or for larger equipment (Gauges O and higher (U.S.)). Still i'm gonig to send one back to him for testing. Lenz was a pioneer in command control systems, developing digital systems for Marklin and Arnold.Lenz and the Development of the NMRA's Digital Command ControlLenz and the Development of the NMRA's Digital Command Control Feedback - Sensor. Lenz DCC Promo ABC Braking film 1 - Duration: 3 ... Lenz 10311 02 Silver Mini DCC Decoder - Duration: 7:04. digitalcareline A&H Models 3,237 views. LI-USB-Ethernet Interface offers a USB and an Ethernet interface for connection computer and/or router. Hi Guys, I have a need to check out which type of lenz decoder I am using in some of my locos.