“That the focus should shift to 2021.”The morning after the press conference, the Essence Festival of Culture announced the cancellation of its 2020 event, which had previously been bumped back from the July 4th weekend to an unspecified date “closer to the fall.”Producers of the Voodoo Experience in City Park, which had been scheduled for Oct. 30-Nov. 1, pulled the plug on their event on April 17, before this year's roster had been announced.For many thousands of music fans around the world, WWOZ’s eight days of “Jazz Festing in Place” broadcasts during the coronavirus-canceled 202…The annual Audubon Zoo Mother's Day concert starring Irma Thomas is the latest casualty of the coronavirus crisis.

- Syndicate 2020 INDIO, Kalifornien [US] 09.-11.10. Crowds gather to see Irma Thomas, the Soul Queen of New Orleans, perform on the Abita Beer Stage during the annual French Quarter Fest in New Orleans, Friday, April 12, 2019.The crowd at the French Quarter Festival's Abita Beer Stage on Sunday, April 15, 2018. Kartenbesitzer können ihre bereits gekauften Tickets entweder behalten oder, falls sie zum Termin der Konzertwoche im nächsten Jahr keine Zeit haben, die Tickets ab 20.05.2020 mit einer Rückgabefrist bis 01.09.2020 bei den Stellen zurückgeben, wo sie die Karten erworben haben. (Photo by Brett Duke NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune) (Photo by Brett Duke, Satchmo Summerfest, a celebration of the legacy of New Orleans native Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong, is generally the first week of August at the Old U.S. Mint.The free French Quarter Festival, which draws hundreds of thousands of attendees every April with a program consisting almost entirely of south Louisiana musicians, had previously been postponed to Oct. 1-4.Both events are produced by the non-profit French Quarter Festivals Inc. Plane deine Festivalsaisson 2020 mit Festivalticker

Unbegrenzte Spaßberechtigung für das komplette Wochenende. Geiselwind BY 02.-03.10. Festival 135,-€ + Camping 38,-€ + Umweltpfand 5,-€ zzgl. Kermit Ruffins and the Barbecue Swingers perform on the Fidelity Bank stage during Satchmo Summerfest at the New Orleans Jazz Museum in New Orleans, Friday, Aug. 2, 2019.

Bei Onlinebestellungen z.B. Die Pässe können an ein speziell eingerichtetes Postfach der Landesgartenschau Rosenheim 2010 GmbH zurückgeschickt werden und die Besitzer erhalten den vollen Kaufpreis zurück. Das Festival der Self Made Shorties richtet sich an alle professionellen Schauspieler und Schauspielerinnen sowie Schauspielstudenten einer staatlich anerkannten Schauspielschule ab dem 2.

She stated that she didn’t think New Orleans should host any large festivals for the remainder of the year.Mayor LaToya Cantrell put New Orleans on notice Tuesday that the festivals and major events postponed by the coronavirus outbreak may not be h…“My recommendation is absolutely no large events such as French Quarter Fest and Jazz Fest, even Essence Festival, as it relates to the year of 2020,” Cantrell said. Es gibt erste Namen fürs SMS 2020! Absage Sommerfestival 2020 – Infos zu Einzeltickets und Festivalpässen Wegen der Corona-Pandemie wurde dieses Jahr das Sommerfestival Rosenheim abgesagt, wie so viele andere Veranstaltungen auch. - Hamburg Soul Weekender 2020 Dortmund NRW 03.10. 2020 geht es in die 24.

Das Programm für 2021 wird einen Tag länger dauern und sich auch von den Künstlern her zu 2020 unterscheiden, sodass neue Pässe benötigt werden. 2020 French Quarter Festival and Satchmo Summerfest canceled because of coronavirus Das SonneMondSterne Ticket kommt versandkostenfrei zu Dir nach Hause. 06/08/2020 SMS.Sessions 02 For the actual SMS.Festival weekend, you don't have to do without SMS.Feeling even in this darn year ... 01/07/2020 Pre-Sale Start für SMS.XXIV 2021 Tickets for SonneMondSterne.XXIV 2021 are now on sale … Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items.