The Nazi Germany kept nearly 2.5 million French Army POWs as forced laborers throughout the war. François Crouzet has succinctly summarized the ups and downs of French per capita economic growth in 1815-1913 as follows:For the 1870-1913 era, Angus Maddison gives growth rates for 12 Western advanced countries—10 in Europe plus the United States and Canada. Juni 1793 vom Nationalkonvent verabschiedet und am 10. Verteidiger wurden vor dem Revolutionstribunal nicht mehr zugelassen. Martin Thomas, "French Economic Affairs and Rearmament: The First Crucial Months, June–September 1936." During shortages, when prices could rise by as much as 100%, the threat of destitution increased dramatically for French families.The slaving interest was based in Nantes, La Rochelle, Bordeaux, and Le Havre during the years 1763 to 1792. Juni bis 27. Overall about one third of the French population lived in poverty, approximately 8 million people. Robespierre ließ sogar den Kreis der Verdächtigen beliebig erweitern. Militärisch konnten die Revolutionäre die Lage wieder zu ihren Gunsten wenden, da die Alliierten keine gemeinsame Taktik fanden. Dieser wechselte aber in einem Zweiwochenturnus und war deshalb nicht prägend.
Displacement and criminality, mainly theft, also increased, and the growth of groups of mendicants and bandits became a problem. The "stable" core of French society, town guildspeople and village laborers, included cases of staggering social and geographic continuity, but even this core required regular renewal. Du hast noch kein gutefrage Profil? Die zweite war der Rat der 500 (Conseil de Cinq Cents). Their derogatory and patronizing approach toward blacks immunized them from moral criticism. The result was a revolution in agricultural output, as well as a sharply reduced number of active farmers from 7.4 million in 1946 to only 2 million in 1975. Dieses System wurde zum Vorbild der nachfolgenden Direktorialsysteme in anderen Ländern. Fabien Cardoni, "The ‘science’ of French public finances in the First World War." Die Erste Französische Republik (französisch Première République française) wurde während der Französischen Revolution am 22. Es ließe sich diskutieren, ob das Staatsoberhaupt völkerrechtlich der Präsident der Nationalversammlung gewesen wäre. "Vichy rhetoric exalted the skilled laborer and small businessman.
Sowohl Danton als auch Marat waren Teil der 1789 gegründeten Jakobiner.
The average income in France, after having been steady for a long time, increased elevenfold between 1700 and 1975, which constitutes a 0.9% growth rate per year, a rate which has been outdone almost every year since 1975: By the early Eighties, for instance, wages in France were on or slightly above the France, like a number of countries, was affected by the 2008 financial crisis.
Auf diese Weise brachten die Jakobiner den Nationalkonvent unter ihre Kontrolle. Other infrastructure needs in rural France, such as better roads and canals, were neglected because of the expense of the railways, so it seems likely that there were net negative effects in areas not served by the trains.In 1870 the relative decline in industrial strength, compared to France was a rural nation as late as 1940, but a major change took place after railways started arriving in the 1850s–60s. 29 Girondisten wurden dabei verhaftet. In his seminal book French national policy was protectionist with regard to agricultural products, to protect the very large agricultural population, especially through the The overall growth rate of the French economy shows a very strong performance in the 1920s and again in the 1960s, with poor performances in the 1910s, 1930s, and 1990s.The economy was critically hurt by the German seizure of major industrial areas in the northeast. Its advertisements promised the opportunity to participate in the newest, most fashionable consumerism at reasonable cost. Ende Juli 1793 trat Maximilian Robespierre in den Wohlfahrtsausschuss ein und brachte es schließlich zu dessen Leitung. He introduced the metric system and fostered the study of engineering. Er übernahm die Aufgabe, eine Verfassung für eine Französische Republik festzulegen. Ähnlich wie die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sollte das Grundprinzip der Volkssouveränität bestehen. Inflation was severe, with the franc losing over half its value against the British pound.In January 1923 as a response to the failure of the German to ship enough coal as part of its reparations, France (and Belgium) occupied the industrial region of the The worldwide decline after 1929 affected France a bit later than other countries, hitting around 1931.However, the depression had some effects on the local economy, and partly explains the France's relatively high degree of self-sufficiency meant the damage was considerably less than in nations like Germany.Hardship and unemployment were high enough to lead to The election brought a massive wave of strikes, with involving 2 million workers, and their seizure of many factories and stores.