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Select Stylistic Devices, Literary Devices and Figures of Speech Urban 5 0200s (Replacement and Representation) 0201: f: Sign: Something that has meaning (0005) through its connection to something else. The term may also be used to refer only to the last item in the series. <> m�z[>��B�,�-*D�$Q�R
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Das Erkennen und das Beschreiben der Wirkung von rhetorischen Mitteln (stylistic devices) ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Textanalyse.Die meisten der hier erklärten rhetorischen Mittel kennst du wahrscheinlich schon aus dem Deutschunterricht. Start studying English: Stylistic devices and their effects. ?~��/��Su����ˏ�m�o����>�8oQqzP��]��q�ӗ������߯J+��������W�~������#�:�{��jN/���~�u6���
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You can download the paper by clicking the button above.Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. To learn more, view our You can download the paper by clicking the button above.Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Qb�s8>���\�^�ywxDo6��ܭ{�!�>��c��%�z��%$-��7��w�ö�ʑ�p?�E����Fe�U&�>⤹�O�����C���6�x^בJث��Q��KE�%�\�| (:���U�u�#����#��l��|�\a���O�J�5ʳ�~�5C��UzE�d�rq�=��9W+��N�T�/2�z�]I��ְ�ZL�! You can download the paper by clicking the button above.Sorry, preview is currently unavailable.