Originally, Tobe Hooper was just going to produce the film but he could not find a director the film's budget would afford.Several scenes were deleted by director Tobe Hooper due to pacing issues as mentioned on the 2000 The film was released theatrically in the United States by The film was banned in Australia for 20 years. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (also known as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2) is a 1986 American black comedy slasher film directed by Tobe Hooper.It serves as a sequel to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, also directed and co-written by Hooper.It was written by L. M. Kit Carson and produced by Carson, Yoram Globus, Menahem Golan and Hooper. During its theatrical release, the film grossed $8 million domestically against its $4.5 million budget and became popular on Two high school seniors, Buzz and Rick, race along a desolate stretch of Texas highway, en route to the The following morning, Lieutenant Boude "Lefty" Enright, former Texas Ranger, and uncle of Sally and Franklin Hardesty, who were victims of Leatherface and his family years earlier, arrives at the scene of the crime to help solve Buzz and Rick's murders.
is still alive and frees Stretch before dying. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 ist ein Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 1986 von Tobe Hooper mit Dennis Hopper, Caroline Williams und Jim Siedow.
Chop Top scolds Leatherface when he finds out that Stretch is still alive. …
They then take L.G. Peters is apparently killed by Chop Top. TCM 2 starts out so strong, The Cramps, Oingo Boingo, great Savini FX on display, it is almost hard to top that.
Lefty then drives to Stretch's radio station and asks her to play the tape on her nightly radio show so that the public, which had previously mocked his case, will have to listen to him.
Verhaal. Stretch grabs a chainsaw held by the corpse of the family's grandmother in a shrine and attacks Chop Top, causing him to fall off the tower to his death. Lieutenant Enright, dessen Neffen vor zehn Jahren von dem wahnsinnigen Kettensägenmörder getötet wurden, sieht in diesem Fall einen Zusammenhang mit den Geschehnissen von damals, und bittet die Techniker, den mitgeschnittenen Anruf auszusrahlen. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is een Amerikaanse film uit 1986 en het vervolg op de bekende horrorklassieker The Texas Chain Saw Massacre uit 1974. Meanwhile, Lefty shops for an arsenal of chainsaws at a local hardware store. The family from the first film has expanded its activities into the barbecue business, which they make from their victims. Lefty has spent the last thirteen years looking into his nephew's disappearance, investigating reports of mysterious chainsaw killings across Texas. Beide films werden geregisseerd door Tobe Hooper. Drayton finds Stretch and the family capture her. Chop Top chases Stretch to the top of a rock tower. Her coworker L.G. They torture her at the dinner table, but Lefty arrives and saves her before killing Leatherface. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is still a hell of a lot of fun but I am not sure if I can still say that I enjoy it more than the original (I didn't say it is better than the original, just that I used to have more fun with it/liked it more). Stretch flees the ground, but Chop Top chases her. While preparing to leave for the night, Stretch is confronted by Bobby "Chop Top" Sawyer before being attacked by Leatherface. He is contacted by Stretch, who brings him a copy of the audio tape that recorded the attack. He at first unnerves, then amuses the shop's owner with his brutal testing of the saws on a log. Die Radiomoderatorin Vantia Block wird am Telefon Zeugin, wie zwei Jugendliche, die sie angerufen haben, getötet werden. Meanwhile, Stretch is found by Leatherface, who puts L.G. With Dennis Hopper, Caroline Williams, Jim Siedow, Bill Moseley. 2:18. Stretch shouts in triumph and swings the chainsaw in the air. The winner happens to be Drayton Sawyer (current patriarch of the cannibalistic Sawyer family), who declares that his secret is having an eye for "prime meat." He sends her away, leaving Stretch and JB to reluctantly get radio coverage of a Texas/Oklahoma Chili Cookoff.
Later, L.G. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is a 1986 horror film, which has Tobe Hooper returning to his most famous material.Unlike the first film, this film has a more comedic tone. 's skinned face and hat on her before tying her arms and leaving. Drayton, accepting that he and his family have lost, blows up the ground, killing himself, Lefty and the half-dead Grandpa. Lefty, who has been following their car all along, arrives equipped with chainsaws and trashes the home before he finds Franklin's remains. GTA 5 Texas Chainsaw Massacre Easter Egg Mod (GTA 5 Masacre En Texas) - Duration: ... Leatherface Trailer German Deutsch (2017) - Duration: 2:18. to their home, followed by Stretch, who becomes trapped inside the Sawyer home, an abandoned carnival ground decorated with human bones, multi-colored lights, and carnival remnants. Moviepilot Trailer 341,666 views. An uncut version was released on VHS by
Leatherface returns to Chop Top and leads him to believe that he has killed Stretch. Directed by Tobe Hooper. Drayton, driving home from his chili cookoff victory, demands that his family arrive go the radio station, prompted by the nightly radio broadcast of the tape. Leatherface corners Stretch and is about to kill her, but she charms him into sparing her. . Keine gute Idee, denn dadurch wird der Killer angelockt - und begibt sich geradewegs zum Sender, wo er alle, die Zeugen des Anrufs waren, mit seiner Kettensäge behandeln will.