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OBS.Live makes stream management easy, integrating Twitch chat, your Activity Feed, and Media Request directly into OBS. A window showing live footage from your console should appear in OBS Studio. This is so media sources can be placed on top of or beneath others to show or hide specific content. Sarah Jacobsson Purewal/CNET Here's how to add StreamLabs notifications to your stream layout in OBS Studio. Select
Sarah Jacobsson Purewal/CNET Resize it with your mouse and make sure it is placed above your background layer in the Getting your stream to a good enough quality so that it has the production value that looks and feels professional is dependent on a number of factors. Other images (of any size) can be added to your layout by repeating Step 2 onwards. Click OK and select: Capture Specific Window: game.exeIf you already have configured OBS before but want best settings to stream HD videos in 1080p 60Fps then you need to tweak your settings.
Sarah Jacobsson Purewal/CNET Increasing your bitrate can improve your video quality, but only up to a certain point-- You can find it in your Twitch dashboard (tab Stream Key).
Then Select the Streaming Tab. Here's a basic introduction to the four most popular items to add to a layout. How to set up your first Open Broadcaster Software 'scene' with a webcam's video feed.Time to set up your stream, including the feed from your webcam.Before you can do anything with OBS, you need to...have OBS. Shortcuts may also be added to your desktop.
settings that provide the right balance for the game you're playing, your internet speed, First, choose Output Mode on Top and set it to Advanced. So, you need to choose the fields carefully. and your computer's hardware. Add your gaming source. To stream video game footage from a console, you'll need a capture card connected to your chosen console.
In the first step you should get a twitch stream key for OBS. Your background image should now appear in OBS Studio. that might cause you to drop frames or test the limits of your internet connection.Your ingest bitrate is the amount of data you send to Twitch when you stream. It should be completely black when you begin a new profile. It's the only source that will capture games running in full screen mode, but it can occasionally be unstable.Pick out the game you want to capture for your Twitch stream here.Window Capture captures the feed from a single window -- this could be a game (running in windowed mode), a Web browser or any other program/app. To broadcast to the Twitch network under your Twitch username, you will need to link OBS Studio to your Twitch account. and frame rate refers to how often animation frames are sent to Twitch.
Simply select the Start Streaming button in the bottom-right corner of OBS Studio, wait for the connection to the Twitch servers to be made, and you're live.