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You can never, ever, for any reason whatsoever, say “an information” or “informations”. uncountable noun is the most confusing grammar for me for a long time. This is when I searched for information online and started following your course on youtube. When students have a lower level of English, they learn the words are uncountable, such as cheese. Information - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary
Thanks for your assistance.I was feeling something should be different which will make easy for every module practices. Please give me some advice.I’ll be releasing a new Grammar E-book next week.
Thank ever so much for sharing it with us! I’m starting to teach English, a thing that I have always wanted, so your website will help basically all the time.First of all, I’d like to say a BIG THANK YOU to you since your lessons and all contents are so helpful for preparing IELTS test.Guys, I understood that uncountable nouns can not be quantified.
When we use countable nouns, we use the article “a” and the plural “s” (a house, two houses).To express an amount of an uncountable noun, you must use other words.I have put the most common words in bold.
Instead, if you need to use the word in the singular, you can say “ a piece / an item of information ”. You can google a list of compound nouns to learn.As per my understanding, the answer to question 2 should be ‘are ‘ instead of ‘is’..
The noun is “advice” with a “c” and it is uncountable = a piece of advice. Well done.Thanks for sharing. I must confess that it was easiest and most exciting to learn from you.Well done with your score.
Please could you explain why on this website (oxforddictionaries blog) advice can be countable.I think you will find that this is for a different use of the word: “I discovered your website just a couple of hours ago.
In English the word “information” is an uncountable noun. But if we are thinking of a cup or a glass, we can say (in a restaurant, for example): Please correct me.You “are” if the noun is company because it is countable. All verbs will require “s” in the third person singular , except most modal verbs. This lesson is only pointing out the difference between plural countable and uncountable.Hello Liz, I write you from Mexico city… love your site!Not really.
I am planning to take IELTS exam next year in a way for me to work as a Nurse in my doubt is ,we normally use “atrs and sports “is that correct ?because I believe these are also uncountable noun.I have a question comcerning a certain words, that is “research”. A question to #8 in Ex.2 on this page: “I think that childhood is one of the best times in a person’s live.” Is it surely “live”, not “life”? Getting 7.5 in both speaking and writing is great. We use a singular verb. Some use hyphens, some are one word together and some are two words separate.
The word “information” can’t be counted using numbers. For eg.Also, how about “I need ‘an’ advice” or “I have an advise for you”? But you use “is” when it is uncountable “company advertising”. Countable nouns Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. Any thoughts on this… concern …of mine?“I have one main concern” or “I have two serious concerns”. It will be great help in getting ready for IELTS. I think ‘an’ advice is as good as some advice.PS: Your lessons are great.
If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable Partitive Structure with Uncountable Nouns.
I’ve put points above to highlight which words can be both.Why can’t we use “An” information? For example, one house / two houses.
Some words are both countable and uncoutable – I have put a note next to those words.This is a difficult one with a lot of exceptions. It is something you need to learn by heart.I believe an ‘s’ is acceptable, rather a necessity with uncountable nouns when we change tense or when used as a verb. Here are the main pages of this site – just work through them and start learning:You have mentioned ‘Sport’ as an ‘Uncountable Noun’ above, but here.It is both countable and uncountable. They have a singular and a plural form. Which part? It's important to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns in English because their usage is different in regards to both determiners and verbs. I saw it before.1.
The main noun is advertising.I have been looking for a website like yours, and I found it amazing!
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ldoce_726_z information in‧for‧ma‧tion / ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃ ə n $ -fər-/ S1 W1 noun [uncountable] 1 INFORMATION facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, event etc I need more information. How are the two different from each other?Hello, I think your site too much (huge) helpful not only me but also others. However, I have seen it used with a verb in the plural form like “The research are…” or “Our reseach show that…”.
Hehe. she is cooking my favourite dish by adding five vegetables…I found that “art” is a countable world in the website of BBC.“The arts” is not the same as art.
But when students get to advanced level, they learn that these words can also be countable, for example cheeses.Hi Liz, thank you for this article.
And I really want to Improvede my Grammar and English knowledge. When you learn a new word, it's a good idea to learn whether it's countable or uncountable.
I hope your lessons will help me get better results as i found them quite useful.