Not much, apart from the fact that it’s still there and was built on the site of a palace owned by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s father – yes, that Mendelssohn, the musician bloke whose grave, incidentally, we will eventually visit while working our way down Wilhelmstrasse. Alle Saturn Filialen After reunification, the Embassy moved to Berlin on 10 August 1999.

The footage (with translation) can be found here:although the author of this text feels the need for a little editorialising: “Compelled”? And also take note of that lump on the left-hand side? Wilkommen to the official Facebook page of the Singapore Embassy in Berlin! They then ran dogs under the bus to check that no desperate, disenchanted East German had decided to do a Cape Fear and defect by hanging on under the bus.

They also wander around various other blocks. And here it is:The woman on the right looks like she has just realised that she left the stove on in this great photo from the Facebook page “Roaring Berlin: Die Vergessene Metropole”, found here: However, remember the stone-throwing protesters in the 1953 uprising? However, notice that the front is placed against the wall. This caused no end of a kerfuffle at Axis History Forum as it was news to a number of otherwise educated-better-than-average-about-the-NRK anoraks, including Your Humble Narrator. Ausstattung and it’s not a late version because it’s not covered in graffiti.

Fußbodenheizung It points to An der Kolonnade ( a street which didn’t exist pre-war and is marked in blue). Here JFK looks over the Wall (he would be dead almost exactly five months later).There were viewing platforms at various places all along the western side of the Wall.

At the end of the tour, the young host had to disembark on the Eastern side and Russian and East German guards – armed with automatic weapons – came on the bus and began checking IDs. Gemütliche Cafés locken mit ... However, Traudl proved to be correct. Or a cloakroom token or two with swastikas and numbers on them! Am 8. Balkon Runs an entire block along Wilhelmstrasse. Firmenprofil Backslash Gmbh HRB111447 BERLIN (CHARLOTTENBURG) Alter:12 Jahre Telefon:030/34708760 Adresse:Voßstraße 20, So spiegelt vor allem das gastronomische Angebot die Vielseitigkeit wider: Restaurants rund um das Paul-Lincke-Ufer bieten kulinarische Spezialitäten aus aller Welt. Here are some examples of the cause of this hand-wringing:That dunny looks to me to be very much like the one in “Trainspotters”.

Die tägliche Öffnungszeit beträgt 11 Stunden. ... z. Alle Prospekte Traudl Junge in her memoir “Until the Final Hour” mentions at one point that some part of the roof of the Fuhrerbunker protruded above the ground . This bunker – for the drivers of Hitler’s fleet of vehicles (well, derrr…) – lay undiscovered until 1990 when it was uncovered during clearance operations for the Pink Floyd concert “The Wall” which was to be held after the Berlin Wall came down. Galerie Tristesse Deluxe. I wonder why? The underground parking at Bikini Berlin is located to the right of the hotel (Budapester Straße 38). The building with the bloke on top holding up (yet another) globe is the former Reichspostamt:and I’m including this following shot simply because I think it’s a wonderful watercolour:You notice in today’s iteration of the building, the two towers flanking Globeboy have disappeared, almost certainly because of battle damage and there is still evidence of it to be seen on the Mauerstrasse side:What an eloquent and desperate story these spang marks could tell.