Review our This year, the White House Correspondents’ Association opted for a cartoon comedy sketch, poking fun at the fact that Trump wasn’t attending the dinner, featuring animated cameos from journalists.Margaret Talev, president of the association and a correspondent at Bloomberg, opened with a speech that was alternatively welcoming and challenging to the administration.“The U.S. president, the same one who has called journalists the enemy of the American people,” had invited the scholars who were honored at this year’s dinner to get an “insider’s glimpse” at the White House.“The president and vice president went to each scholar and greeted them,” Talev said. It’s not a surprise: This is the second year in a row that Trump has opted to skip the dinner and host a campaign rally at the same time instead.Despite his absence, the evening was filled with unambiguous reminders of who is in the White House. Proceeds from the dinner support the association’s year-round work as well as scholarships for aspiring journalists and awards recognizing excellence in the profession. The pre-parties were crowded. “We nodded because we know the feeling.”“We’re all here, all of us, because we cherish the First Amendment,” Talev said. WASHINGTON – The White House Correspondents’ Association is pleased to announce that comedian Michelle Wolf will be the entertainer at the WHCA’s annual dinner on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Selfie chasers who would have once tracked down movie stars were now chasing after Chris Matthews.Michelle Wolf headlined the evening with a ruthless roast of pretty much everyone in the room.There was a sense that her bold routine didn’t win over the audience — particularly a stone-faced press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the evening’s head table. Comedian Michelle Wolf after her controversial monologue at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in April 2018. Have a question about our comment policies? “The sources don’t exist in many cases … these are very dishonest people.” (Journalists actually “Fake news,” he added, as his audience cheered. “Mr. Other sightings near the red carpet included Comedy Central’s Jordan Klepper, CNN’s Jake Tapper, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and comedian Kathy Griffin. He whipped out his phone and showed a Washington Post reporter a cover photo for his new book, ““None of this was in the realm of possibility” before the White House, Spicer said.Other attendees patrolled for faces they recognized in the crowd for the only reason anybody does that these days: to turn the moment into social media content.A gong sounded just before 7:30 p.m. Welcome to our coverage of the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Association dinner.The president did not attend this year’s event, which honors journalists and awards scholarships to students. They don’t have sources,” he said. Prior to that, Wolf worked as an on-air contributor and writer for The Daily Show With Trevor Noah on Comedy Central.The Association, founded in 1914 to represent the White House press corps, works to maintain independent news media coverage of the president, advocating for access, handling logistics for pools of reporters who stay close to the president and those who travel with him, and providing scholarships to journalism students.The annual dinner is traditionally attended by the President and First Lady as well as many other senior government officials and members of the press corps. Like, I think you might be rich in Idaho, but in New York you’re doing fine.”Wolf also played a game where she said “Trump is so broke” and the audience would have to respond, “How broke is he?” The responses:“He’s so broke, he has to fly failed business class.”“He’s so broke, he looked for foreign oil in Don Jr.’s hair.”“He’s so broke, Southwest used him as one of their engines.” There were some gasps after that one. It was “surreal,” the students told Talev and other journalists who accompanied them. She told him that he was “great on ‘The View’ ” and that she’d text him tomorrow.When asked about her next big move, Omarosa was coy and said she’s “always” working on something, but for now she was spending time with her husband, a full-time pastor in Jacksonville because “Jesus is the reason for the season.” The couple were guests of the Boston Globe.By 6:45 p.m., the pre-parties were already getting pretty crowded. ... A full transcript of Wolf’s speech is ... it’s 2018 and I … White House Correspondents’ Association President Margaret Talev addressed the organization’s annual dinner on the need for a free and fair press in the U.S. and around the world.“We reject efforts by anyone, especially our elected leaders, to paint journalism as un-American, to undermine trust between reporter and reader, or to cast doubt on the relevance of facts and truth in the modern age.