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How To Use Captain Calc. Dont take these....Alaska was built as CA hunter/fleet AA escort. Captain Skill Calculator for World of Warships. Officially, the class used a unique designation — “CB” — to reflect their status. On the other hand, she had relatively weak protection for her size.As far as her armor goes, she keeps the trend of high-tier American cruisers having 27mm plating at their extremities, as well as possessing an overmatch-proof middle deck. Player Leaderboard. You should start with a cookie cutter build. But specifically setting up/training a captain for a Premium is a waste. An instance of a special type of ship, somewhere between a cruiser and a battleship. both have skills you should take that the t10 should 100% never take.Standard build. American Cruiser Lets talk about the Helena (Part 1: Beginner guide) She is a t7 USN light cruiser line (tech tree), from the recent released by WoWs. Captain builds can be tested & sent to other warship players. "Cookies help us deliver our Services. Tier 0: nothing, you've got your staples. Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. Captain Skill Calculator - World of Warships *Updated for Patch I expect Alaska to be a heavy hitting glass cannon of sorts, so I'm going more for a CA build than a BB one.Not too sure on the FP or Vig, I'll have to get my hands on her before I can really refine the build.I think Alaska will be a nice balance between a Des Moines and an Alabama. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming?Press J to jump to the feed. Unique American commanders with the buffed version of Expert Loader (-75% instead of -50%) are highly recommended for Alaska given the long reload duration on her main battery. ShipComrade. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. One of the initial design targets considered was a standard displacement of 25,000 tons; a position between heavy cruisers and battleships. think Atlanta pre worcester. Commander Skills. I mean it will have slower guns, but the AP performance and the 305mm is going to be very powerful, and even though its bigger and slower than Des Moines, it will make up for it with better belt armor.submarine citadel and larger HP say its likely not a glass cannon.Get your typical PT - EM - SI - CE for first 10 pointsAR then followed by EL, especially if you use HalseyDepending on the actual stat you may consider AFT, Vigilance or BoS/FP with the restNo idea, but she sure is a sexy boat! Skill Points Left. Officially classified as a "large cruiser", she was armed with 305 mm guns, had a high speed, and powerful AA defenses. If you don’t like the grind, then most likely, Helena is not going to work out well for you. Yes I know I’m a little early but whenever the Alaska is released (hoping it’s free XP) What capt skills would you run on her?
SI (doesnt matter what consumable loadout youre going with. players have to obtain her from playing the Dallas. The Hydro on Alaska is not as good as the DM, its 2 seconds shorter, and has less detection range. If you have a point left over i supposeTier 5: IFHE, V, BOS, SE, HA, DE, LS. Gunboats. Ship Stats & Guides. The main armament arrangement was identical, plus the secondary and anti-aircraft suite was very similar to the Other shortcuts were adopted, included replicating the propulsion machinery of the The design of the class was finalized in September 1940, and six were ordered as part of the naval expansion programs undertaken by the US Navy prior to their entry into World War II. Furthermore, the proposed ships were named after US territories, reflecting their intermediate nature between cruisers and capital ships. you should take at least one, or bothTier 3: JoaT,DCCA, AFT. Due to the inexperience of never having previously designed a “large cruiser”, the entire process was wrought with uncertainty. Especially for one that will be so similar to both a Heavy Cruiser or a BB. Even at max rangeThe Hydro on Alaska is not as good as the DM, its 2 seconds shorter, and has less detection range.SI (doesnt matter what consumable loadout youre going withTier 1: AR, FP.