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Architektur Als Zitat: Formen, Motive Und Strategien Der Vergegenwartigung by Brandl, Heiko (Edt)/ Ranft, Andreas (Edt)/ Waschbusch, Andreas (Edt) English summary: In a systematic synopsis, the possibilities and boundaries of the concept "architectural reference" for art history are demonstrated exhaustively on the basis of specific case studies of artistic epochs. See more ideas about Architecture details, Architecture, Architecture design. Zeitgenössische Architektur ist ein echtes Spezialthema, ohne dass die Spezialisten sich dessen bewusst sind.“ (Rainer Bromme, Riklef Rambow: „Zur Psychologie der Kommunikation zwischen Architekten und Laien“, 1996) Okt 2007 „Architektur löste und löst immer dieselben Probleme: Material und dessen Struktur geltend zu machen. Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho war ein brasilianischer Architekt. Architektur und Zitat: die Geschichtlichkeit von Bauten aus der Vergangenheit. Rhythmus, Symmetrie und Asymmetrie anzuwenden. „First were the thick stone walls, the arches, then the domes and vaults — of the architect, searching out for wider spaces. Dec 11, 2019 - Explore Dorothee Meyer-Gerlt's board "Architektur Material" on Pinterest. Er gilt als Wegbereiter der modernen brasilianischen Architektur. Im Jahr 2013 wurden seine architektonischen Zeichnungen und Baupläne von der UNESCO zum Weltdokumentenerbe erklärt.SPIEGEL-Interview, 11.März 2002,, zitiert in in Tracy Metz, "'Form Follows Feminine': Niemeyer, 90, Is Still Going Strong," Architectural Record (December 1997), p. 35.Quoted in "Why Oscar Niemeyer is king of curves", Tom Dyckhoff, The Times Online (London, 2007-12-12). Acceptance speech, Pritzker Architecture Prize's%20Acceptance%20Speech (1988).Quoted in "Architect of Optimism," Angel Gurria-Quintana, Financial Times (2007-04-13).Quoted in "Gordon Bunshaft and Oscar Niemeyer: Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureates 1988", (1988).Quoted in "Why Oscar Niemeyer is king of curves", Tom Dyckhoff, The Times Online (London, 2007-12-12).As quoted in Plans, Sections and Elevations : Key Buildings of the Twentieth Century (2004) by Richard WestonThe Curves of Time: The Memoirs of Oscar Niemeyer (2000), p. 169Quoted in "Architect of Optimism," Angel Gurria-Quintana, Financial Times (2007-04-13).The Curves of Time: The Memoirs of Oscar Niemeyer (2000), p. 176.Quoted in "Why Oscar Niemeyer is king of curves," Tom Dyckhoff, The Times Online (London, 2007-12-12).The Curves of Time: The Memoirs of Oscar Niemeyer (2000), p. 62. Architektur und Zitat: die Geschichtlichkeit von Bauten aus der Vergangenheit Bosman, L. Published in: More romano: Schriften des Europäischen Romanik Zentrums Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Bosman, L. (2014). A building’s materiality is what our bodies make direct contact with; the cold metal handle, the warm wooden wall, and the hard glass window would all create an entirely different atmosphere if they were, say, a hard glass handle, a cold metal wall and a warm wooden window (which with KTH’s new Here we’ve compiled a selection of 16 materials that should be part of the design vocabulary of all architects, ranging from the very familiar (such as concrete and steel) to materials which may be unknown for some of our readers, as well as links to comprehensive resources to learn more about many of them.Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world, making it a good One of the oldest, most traditional building materials around the world is of course timber. Not only can we learn from their use of materials, it also opens up opportunities for us to As with all materials, accessibility and cost plays a huge role. Now it is concrete-reinforced that gives our imagination flight with its soaring spans and uncommon cantilevers. More The material is beginning to take on new forms thanks to engineered wood products, and with high-rise buildings and even translucent properties, this diverse material is … All images are © each office/photographer mentioned. Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.16 Materials Every Architect Needs to Know (And Where to Learn About Them) In locations where Reflecting everything about our new material endeavors is With all the high-rises soaring high above the earth, it’s a wonder Earth is among the oldest building materials we can think of due to its almost universal accessibility and relative ease of use at We produce a huge amount of waste covering a huge range of materials, but getting to know With the massive loss of habitats happening around the world, getting to know organic structures created by animals is something that’s best to do sooner rather than later.