Deutsch noted that Mbembe wrote that Israel’s behavior toward the Palestinians was worse than South Africa’s treatment of the black population under Apartheid. Die schlichte Börsenbilanz von Donald Trump (Mo-Sa) und sonntags die digitale F.A.S. Amerikas Präsident rühmt sich gern für die steigenden Kurse – und tatsächlich boomt der Aktienmarkt trotz Corona.
In Germany, the debate on the uniqueness of the Holocaust became an adjunct to the recent Achille Mbembe affair. In the above text only a small part could be mentioned.The various defenders of Mbembe — who has made a series of extreme antisemitic remarks — have together created one of the most aggressive antisemitism whitewashing campaigns of recent years. Yet Deutsch had not defamed Mbembe, but exposed him as an antisemite, something radically different.Mbembe then moved on to insinuation number three.

The debate continues in the German media. Für ein Gespräch darüber steht Frau Pfeiffer-Poensgen nicht zur Verfügung. In 2015, Mr. Mbembe wrote a Foreword for the book, Apartheid Israel, in which he argued that Israel is worse than the apartheid regime of South Africa. One more contemporary intellectual antisemite among others was thus not very significant.Yet all this turned out to have been only a prelude to another major development. Mbembe denied to the Jerusalem Post that he was an antisemite. Thus, many people in the world are victims of the Jews.Posener pointed out that Mbembe also suggested that Israel’s current policy towards the Palestinians was worse than apartheid. In the article, Mbembe admitted that he had signed a call to break off relations with Ben Gurion University.There is nothing demonic about calling a specific black person antisemitic. Revenues from the book went to a BDS group.”Klein also referred to the relationship between post-colonial studies and antisemitism: “Some of these theories very clearly stand in opposition to our culture of remembrance.” In this interview Klein didn’t even mention that since he made his original remarks, additional examples of Mbembe’s incitement against Israel had become known.The Mbembe affair has not ended.
Furthermore, it would also be worthwhile to have a university teacher task a student with collecting all the fallacies of Mbembe’s supporters and analyze what was wrong with them. Vertrauen Sie einer der besten Nachrichtenquellen der WeltAlle wichtigen Hintergründe zu den aktuellen EntwicklungenDie digitale F.A.Z. Um einen neuen Sicherheitscode zu erzeugen, klicken Sie bitte auf das Bild. Klein told the WAZ (Funke Group) on April 15 that the opening speech for such an important festival should not be made by someone who has been known to relativize the Holocaust. The invitee was also an academic supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement which demonizes Israel. By attacking these Biblical foundations in the name of reason and human rights, the culture warriors of secularism are sawing off the branch on which they sit. „Die öffentliche Diskussion der letzten Tage rund um das Thema BDS hat dem Ansehen der Ruhrtriennale erneut Schaden zugefügt. Was hat Achille Mbembe von Dominikanern gelernt? It is Jerusalem and Athens, in one famous formulation. Yet later the Mbembe affair developed largely in German without English readers being able to follow the details.Several media recalled that Carp was also heavily criticized in 2018 when she invited a music group that holds close ties to the antisemitic BDS movement to the festival.A major attack on Mbembe followed a few days later by Alan Posener, an editor at the national daily, Die Welt. It was signed by more than 700 African scholars and artists. The only way to defend Western civilisation is to reaffirm and restore its Biblical foundations. Christian religion and Greek philosophy, filtered through Roman law and culture, are the foundation of European culture. If you accept one part, you must accept the whole. The minister fully condemned “all boycotts against Israel.” She convened the supervisory board of the Ruhr Triennale to discuss the situation.