King Philippe will decide what the next step will be.Our exclusive news stories and investigations. Measures taken by the National Security Council of 27 July 2020.
Belgium will embark on its 10th round of government formation talks, after liberal politician Egbert Lachaert was appointed by King Philippe to start negotiations with all parties. Some, however, found it undesirable.”All parties will have the weekend to mull over those questions, before the king makes up his mind on Monday. This is the story of how Belgium—451 days after the last election—still finds itself in the middle of a government formation. Believing the opinion polls, Belgium’s political landscape will become even more complex, if physically possible.
The federal regions have a lot of autonomy and form state governments to govern themselves. All Rights Reserved. Saturday, 15 February 2020 At several points in the past week, Magnette made it clear his party would not even contemplate entering a coalition with the N-VA of Bart De Wever. He and Magnette of the centre left PS appealed to their centre-left political family, being the country’s largest, and took the initiative of investigating the possibility of a new government. The Flemish-Nationalist New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), the largest party in Flanders and the country as a whole, controlled 27 of 150 seats in the lower chamber.
These events made the king to replace the trio with Magnette (PS) and De Wever (N-VA).
Federal justice minister Koen Geens, the latest politician to sound out the political parties on the creation of a new federal government, yesterday handed in his resignation to the King. New Belgian government formation: Justice minister throws in the towel On Monday the leaders of the two biggest parties, Bart De Wever (NVA) and Paul Magnette (PS) are resigning as so-called pre-formateurs in what is thought to be a final push to find a new government. In Flanders, the right-wing VB had surged in polls after five years marked by—among other things—the refugee crisis and terrorist attacks. Belgium’s governing coalition fell apart last December, and squabbling political parties have been struggling since May elections to form a new team.
My plans were crossed by the declarations of one party,” he explained on leaving the palace. The traditional centre-left, christian-democratic and liberal parties in both language groups hit a record low, N-VA saw a significant loss while the parties on the fringes of the mainstream political landscape—VB and PVDA-PTB—surged. “ My plans were crossed by the declarations of one party,” he explained on leaving the palace.
After almost one year and three months since the elections, it seems that Belgium is further away than ever from a new government.
All Rights Reserved. Geens remains in his post as justice minister in the caretaker government. By EUobserver. Wilmès faces Belgium’s government formation puzzle With that in mind, the leaders of both the francophone and Dutch-speaking socialist parties (PS and sp.a respectively) consulted with the ten parties associated with the special powers on how to form a new federal government and prepare a stimulus package.
“A definitive veto was announced against the N-VA.”The “one party” he referred to was the French-speaking socialist party PS under president Paul Magnette. Following the 2014 elections, a centre-right government consisting of N-VA, CD&V, Open Vld and MR was formed, led by Prime Minister Charles Michel (MR). The complexion of such a coalition would be getting the sp.a on board without its Francophone counterpart, PS.