Study in Europe: Find, compare and apply to Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees and Doctorate programmes Study.EU is the European study choice portal. There are many factors to consider in selecting the right university for you. From the Arctic Circle to the coast of Africa, you can explore a truly diverse and multicultural region, with a rich academic history spanning thousands of years.Paris or Denmark? Find the rankings for Europe's best universities at US News.

To do so, contact the Depending on the country where your diplomas are assessed and the purpose of the assessment, the ENIC/NARIC centre will either evaluate them itself, or transfer them to the competent authority.If you provide documents in the Europass format (such as

Study and learn with students from all corners of the world, discover a new language, and develop your independence at a university in Europe.For specific information on Holland please see our Study In The Netherlands directory.With over 4,000 European universities and colleges to choose from, in over 30 different countries, there will be a European course and degree to suit your needs.You can learn in English, or immerse yourself fully in a new culture and language.
The study in Europe directory lets you search courses in Europe quickly and has excellent advice on studying in Europe such as tuition fees and visa info. Turkey or Spain? Study in Israel, also known as the “Start-Up Nation”, with the world’s highest investment per capita in start-up companies. you want to study in by taking our quick survey. 8, down one) and ETH Zurich (No.

Then they evaluated each candidate on 10 different metrics, focusing in particular on patent filings and research paper citations, and ranked universities within the region based on their performance. ​ LONDON – 30 April 2019 – Despite political unease across the continent, the top ranks of Europe’s most innovative universities remain remarkably steady, according to fourth annual Reuters Top 100: Europe’s Most Innovative Universities ranking. Powered by the Derwent World Patents Index, Derwent Innovation provides users with a comprehensive patent solution offering editorially enhanced, authoritative and accurate patent data covering more than 40 patent-issuing authorities. All rights reserved. 6, up five) is one of two new entrants to the top 10, along with the University of Zurich (No. We provide information on universities and thousands of English-taught study programmes. In most cases, you can obtain a "statement of comparability" of your university degree, stating how it compares to the diplomas delivered in the EU country you are moving to. Patents filed by KU scientists are frequently cited by other researchers in their own patent filings. University Finder; Admission Without GRE; Scholarships for International Students MBAs without GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) STEM Majors Best Majors for Employment Graduate International Law; Accelerated MBA The choice is endless – from highly ranked research universities to smaller, specialised No matter where you choose to study, you’ll only be a short train ride or flight away from other countries and cultures. Find the right university in Europe. /sites/default/files/guides/lead-bg-images/Europe.jpg QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited 1994 - 2020. The Dutch-speaking school based in Belgium’s Flanders region is 594 years old and boasts a tradition of influential innovation. 9, up four). 56). University Finder is university search platform provides course, study program wise university details with ranking-rating, contact details, courses details , fees, entry requirement and much more. - German universities account for more participants than any other country, closely followed by UK-based universities and France Despite political unease across the continent, the top ranks of Europe’s most innovative universities remain remarkably steady, according to fourth annual Reuters Top 100: Europe’s Most Innovative Universities ranking. To compile its ranking of Europe’s most innovative universities, Clarivate Analytics identified more than 600 global organisations that publish the most academic research. List all Europe Universities by State Find Universities & Colleges enables you to narrow your search to a specific school website. The UK’s University College London (No.

All 100 of the institutions included in Reuters Top 100 produce original research, create useful technology and stimulate the global economy, but for the fourth consecutive year, KU Leuven tops the list. To get started, visit the University Finder landing page. The Technical University of Munich (No.

Europe has developed a quality assurance scheme, covering all Learn more about intake dates, application deadlines, student visas and English language requirements before applying to a Sign up to StudyLink, the home of quality study abroad advice.Sign up to today for free and be the first to hear about any new study abroad opportunitiesMaster of International Management (with a specialization in Digital Marketing)Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Teacher Education) Analysts also consulted “Patent Citations,” gauging the rate at which a university’s patents are cited by other patents. 56). Clarivate Analytics is a global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics to accelerate the pace of innovation. Try it for doing researches to get information about admissions, course schedules or students news, for example. Click on the country guides above for more detailed information. Please tell us about the city you studied in or a city

This metric provides a clear link between a university’s basic research and its influence in applied technology. 1. Information provided includes data on university rankings, available courses, fees, institution size, location and more. Only one university in the top 100 is entirely new to the list this year: The Norwegian University of Science & Technology, or NTSU (No.