I have all 78 bus stops unlocked and almost 50 million € with my main save game. Kan jij deze bus over alle kronkelige wegen leiden zonder ergens tegenaan te botsen?
Say you have 5 stops, what's happening? © Valve Corporation. It is working, but it might not be what you expect. Watch Queue Queue. Maar dat maakt ovor jou niets uit, of wel dan? Published on Aug 20, 2018 Bus Simulator 18 #034 – Der Loop Modus funktioniert richtig Let's Play Bus 18 Erlebe in einem riesigen, frei befahrbaren Stadtgebiet den Alltag eines Busfahrers. It is working, but it might not be what you expect. at the 5th stop, announcement says last stop, after dropping everyone off it shows the end of mission popup. I have a problem I am at the part that I need to drive in loop mode but tryed a lot of things but the loop mode is not working :-( someone that can help me maybe??? Tried almost eveything I could think of otherwise, including the reinstall mention in this topic. Probeer het zelf maar in deze autorijsimulator. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. So it just goes 1, 2, 3, 4, last stop, like a normal journey? The "Loop" doesn't work for me, even after uninstalling and reinstalling just now!im guessing it was just a corrupted file somewhere that steam didnt pick up on verify files. All rights reserved. Made a new save game too and restarted... no luck! Loop mode simply adds the first bus stop on your route at the end of the route, that's it. Watch Queue Queue Indeed, the tooltip says "2 times the same path".Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Thanks for the reply PsychoCow, but the tooltip says "drive the selected route twice"... in my book that means, when doing a route with 5 stops,... 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5 ... that is twice, no? To check it: After selecting a route in the list your best result will be shown below. If so, you have to use CNG buses and absolve the routes with a positive result in loop mode. This video is unavailable.
know I don't understand it anymore drived the route 4 times did the bouth routes in loop mode no negative things and stilll don't get the goal it broke :/ Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.
:D but yea happy days
Is it the loop mission in the Old Town? That is weird if that's happening. What's happening when you turn loop on? So if you select loop you will drive a complete circle while the first stop is the last one at the same time. i have tried loop on various routes, i have tried it with cashier enabled and disabled, starting from the garage/quick start, ive even tried it with loop turned off incase somehow they became swapped. All rights reserved. Well, I bought the game the moment it was released, and have now 117 hours of gameplay. im lvl 19 with 17 drivers and buses.
Bus Simulator 18. I'm not able to complete it on xbox either.....i drive both in loop mode with a CNG bus and it just won't tick off the objective at all #10. Loop mode simply adds the first bus stop on your route at the end of the route, that's it. Evertime I do the last bus stop in the route it goes to the first bus stop and says "Last stop, please leave the bus"... instead of moving on to the second stop like it should be, seeing it's set on Loop mode "ON". When you play Bus Simulator : Ultimate on PC with BlueStacks, you can experience the game fully from behind your monitor.