While the move was met with surprise among the opposition ranks, the AKP knew about it for a week, government sources told Duvar.The natural gas discovery, which was announced by President Erdoğan, could be considered as a strong sign of his government's preparations for a snap election according to journalist Murat Yetkin. Özgür bir yorum için #ÖZGÜRYorum'u okuyun ve dinleyin. Turkey's Progressive Lawyers' Association (ÇHD) shared footage of the detention where one woman falls to the ground as a result of the officer's harsh treatment. İyi ki varsın . Cross-media: The podcast space has become a ripe arena for developing intellectual property that can be transformed to television, film, books, blogs, … The poll also found that Istanbul Mayor İmamoğlu would be the strongest candidate against Erdoğan as he would garner 36.8 percent of the votes in a possible second round of election. An Istanbul-based investigation bureau located the founder of the Çiftlik Bank pyramid scheme who stole half a billion liras from contributors. A former deputy of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) was promoted to Director General of the Defense Ministry's Military Factories (AFGM). ‎Can Dündar hafta içi her gün, sizler için günün gelişmelerini yorumluyor. The 0.2 to 0.5 percent commissions for withdrawals are part of Ankara's efforts to lower the Turkish Lira's exchange rate against the dollar and the euro, which peaked to record highs earlier this month. A total of 167 migrants struggling to breathe were rescued from the back of a lorry in the Tekkeköy district of the northern province of Samsun on Aug. 18. Der aktuelle Download „Ayasofya tezgahı!“ des Özgür Yorum Podcast ist am 10.07.2020 erschienen. Main opposition Istanbul Municipality revealed that the Culture Ministry's contract workers had been destroying walls of ancient Galata Tower. Gratis-Service von uns: Benachrichtigungen über neue Folgen des Özgür Yorum Podcast zukommen. The project was designed for the historic neighborhood of Asansör where steep steps are the mode of transportation. Turkey's news agenda has focused on "renovations" that resulted in dramatic results, often adding incoherent elements. Listen to Özgür Yorum podcast by ÖZGÜRÜZ RADYO | Can Dündar. The USS Hershel Woody Williams has arrived in the Greek island of Crete, on a mission to keep an eye on escalating tensions between NATO allies Greece and Turkey over energy rights in the eastern Mediterranean. “The Turkish attacks are not accepted. Do you have any business in dollars?" CHP spokesperson Faik Öztrak has said that this number of unemployed people is higher than the populations of 109 countries. Erdoğan medyayı sadece satın almadı, onun yalan tekelini de devletleştirdi.20.08.2020- Devlet tecavüzcüye kalkan olmaktan vazgeçip mağdurun safına geçmedikçe, ne tecavüz önlenir, ne tecavüzcülerin cüreti biter.19.08.2020- Hulusi Akar, mezarlık ziyaretinin fotoğrafını mahkeme eliyle sildirmek istiyor. The Turkish Grain Board (TMO) will import about 600,000 tons of grains on August 25 to prevent price hikes and hoarding amid a small harvest in 2020. Following widespread criticism of this appointment, Kahraman on Aug. 20 resigned from his duty, according to OdaTV. Following widespread criticism of this appointment, Kahraman on Aug. 20 resigned from his duty, according to OdaTV. İzmir Municipality halted a project to build escalators in a historic neighborhood after residents showed widespread protest.

The remaining 14.8 percent on the other was undecided. On the other hand, the Iraqi constitution also does not allow Iraq to be — to become used to attack any neighboring country," Al-Kadhimi said on Aug. 20.

A group of villagers were reportedly demonstrating against a biogas power plant that would be built on their farmlands. Albayrak responded to a question on whether the people should be concerned on Aug. 12, prompting surprise on social media. In May 2016 he was sentenced to five years in prison on a charge of "revealing state secrets", but he is appealing against the verdict. Do you owe money in dollars? A white train car that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk used frequently was removed from its display in front of İzmir's train terminal. Most recently, footage of "renovation" in Istanbul's Galata Tower had shown workers drilling into original walls. Can Dündar hafta içi her gün, sizler için günün gelişmelerini yorumluyor. Ve şimdi radyo kanalını çok seviyoruz. Rol modelimsin. Can Dündar is editor-in-chief of the Cumhuriyet newspaper. Mai 2016 wurde Dündar der Veröffentlichung von Staatsgeheimnissen für schuldig befunden.

Can Dündar hafta içi her gün, sizler için günün gelişmelerini yorumluyor.Can Dündar hafta içi her gün, sizler için günün gelişmelerini yorumluyor.22.08.2020- Şu aralar “İktidarın müjdelerine sevinmeme suçu” diye bir suç var biliyorsunuz; o yüzden hepimiz sevinmiş gibi yapmak zorundayız.21.08.2020- Erdoğan öncesi yalan tekeli, merkez medyanın elindeydi. Dündar announced on Twitter that the radio will continue to broadcast on ozguruz21.org. "The gradual normalization of pandemic-specific financial measures and recent tightening steps taken in liquidity management are judged to support macrofinancial stability," said the bank statement.Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak has downplayed Turkish Lira's sharp fall via asking "Are you getting your salaries in dollars?" I will continue to help the country and the government in any way I can, as I have done so far,” he said. Istanbul police battered a woman as they detained her for faulty use of their face masks. The court’s move came after RTÜK filed an application arguing that the radio broadcast was “illegal.” Following an analysis, the court approved of the media watchdog’s demand and blocked access to the website. Some 40.1 percent of Turkish citizens would vote for Erdoğan, whereas 45.1 percent would not, if Turkey held a presidential election today, according to a recently conducted poll. In his recent piece, Yetkin wrote that the recent history is full of announcements of oil and gas discoveries by the AKP which eventually led nowhere. b.altun , …