guy in firestation ghosted out behind me, shot me in back with a CZ550. We'd rather give players suggestions they can adapt to their playing styles, potentially finding their new favorite guns in DayZ. It's the obvious choice for anyone who wishes to be a sniper.This weapon bridges the gap between medium and short-range engagements, allowing players to load 10 rounds at a time and fire them in quick succession. discussion. Post Comment. ]- Northwest hills to the Cherno hospital/apartments. Close range shoot outs in the supermarket?Er, what do you use your sniper rifle for then? Not only are shotguns extremely powerful up close, but the IZH-43 can be used as is, or converted to a Sawed-Off IZH-43 with a Hacksaw. It also doesn't hurt they can be found laying (literally) just about anywhere on a military base, even if the ammunition is tougher to locate.Before players do something crazy like closing this tab, hear us out. List of ranged weapons. Close.
Rail. By Sogaard, July 14, 2012 in DayZ Mod General Discussion. Our intention? Theres good overview around the whole hill, the angles just changes all the way.These spots are alright, you can see the top of all the tall buildings in cherno, and some of the street+openings to the apartments and hospital (including the roof of the hospital). I only been testing the b95 with hunting scope and it feels really good, so I havent dropped it for any other sniper yet. The Repeater is a better gun than people give it credit for. For the most part there isn't an answer that anyone can prove to be true beyond the others, so discussions like this fall to the preferences of the fans involved.Rather than tell people what the best gun in DayZ is (because it's not possible), we thought we'd list five that are quite good (we think), even if it's for reasons that might be a little surprising to some. Close. Log in sign up. 7. #1. About as high as a deer stand with a ladder going up to them. The spot provides view over pretty much the whole city. Where did he say he kills unarmed players?The best spots are the ones no one knows about lol. Best sniper in dayz? Muzzles. discussion. Simply put, we were trying to think outside the box with a few of these. But in all seriousness the only advice I can give is if you think your position is compromised then move. From this spot you can see the entrance to the general store and some of the tents in the military camp.Copyright © Bohemia Interactive a.s. DAYZ® and Bohemia Interactive® are registered trademarks of Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved. Wraps. r/dayz: /r/dayz - Discuss and share content for DayZ, the post-apocalyptic open world survival game. What is the best sniper rifle and scope? From DayZ Wiki. maximumak777 (DayZ) 23 maximumak777 (DayZ) 23 Thread Starter Helicopter Hunter; Members; 23 85 posts; Joined: June 20, 2015; Posted November 1, 2015 (edited) My current loadout+gear is this: … When a new shooter arrives, everyone wants to know about the best guns.
3 years ago. Pistols MK II.22 LR: 10rd MK II: Buttstocks. Feel free to share the banditry, anyways happy hunting.If we listed all the good spots here, they would become shit spots by the end of the weak... that being said, I always prefer sniping in the forests, NEVER inside towns.i prefir to go to Pop Ivan its allmost directly south of stary sobor this hill is great because you can see the military tents and the hills north of stary sobor where snipers usually are you can also see the entrance to stary so this is a very nice counter sniper and sniping spot.Why would anyone in their right mind want to share good sniping spots with others? Take a vehicle, leave it on a road/runway, go up in the tree's with a narrow field of view down to said vehicle, and let the fun begin.You will be able to leave a comment after signing in]- Northwest treeline above Elektro (above the barn). Posted by 3 years ago. Followers 1. Handguards. Close range shoot outs in the supermarket?well, only if you are a dumbass. At far distances players can use the Long Range Scope (for now), and up close they can switch to either the iron sights or the PU Scope. DayZ Wiki Update Project! ]- On top of the tallest building in Cherno. discussion. Main weapons - Sniper Rifles | Weapon list DayZ - ArmA 2 mod Guide. Add in the Magnum as a sidearm, and players have a combination of weapons that each take the common .357 ammunition. Range of fire (noise): 100-1.600m (455m) Magazine type (capacity): M107/NATO Mag (10/5) Rate of fire (recoil): moderate (high) Rarity (where): very rare (crashed … Scopes. dayz wiki seem to not be updated to 1.6 no vaiga shotgun or 1911 so ya that would be nice to have a updated scope list. Follow the link or Join the Update Project on Discord! At any time”. Not going to list them for obvious reasons. Damage: 37.552/174.205. In other words, it can be used for that precision headshot from afar, or to blast someone multiple times when things get up close and personal. 2. Dec 21, 2019 @ 5:08pm I'll go over Vannila and modded guns PU- SKS and Mosin Hunting- CR, Tundra, Kar98, Blaze NATO Scout- M4, Most AR Platforms, Scout Rifle, Savage Stevens, Cheytac, M249 and some others Combat Sights- M4, Any AR platform, USG, SGK, … These spots are:Do you know other good sniper spots, or do you have any tips? A sniper won't just have one good spot, they know what spots they can fall back on etc, it's more about being prepared than anything.I like North of Cherno in the tree line past the first group of trees, people will have some nice medical supplies on them.Also just 5 minutes ago I stalked someone as I was out of sniper ammo and I had to kill them with my Revovler :\I might as well say that out of a couple towns there are certian small towers. Today i got my second sniper, another AS50. Best Sniper Gear? And plan your infil and exfil cautiously. We need you to help us keep our pages and images up to date! Jump to: navigation, search. But in all seriousness the only advice I can give is if you think your position is compromised then move. Press J to jump to the feed. This happened to me at NWAF. 2. A sniper won't just have one good spot, they know what spots they can fall back on etc, it's more about being prepared than anything.I fully second that.

(BTW: this is where i sneaked up the ladder and murdered two other bandits today and got my AS50. Sniping requires knowing your location and having possible alternate fallback spots.