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choice i have is scout vsd vsd 1963 (accepts silencer) vss m70 tundra remington 700 m14 ebr barrett m82 m98b kivaari .388 cr 527 mcmillan cs5 awm m24 m110 m1a socom vssk The Second Option: The VSS Vintorez is a internally suppressed DMR Designated Marksman Rifle. Leave a comment if you need to ask a question or just add me on steam. Thanks for reading the revised sniper guide for dayz standalone. Defaults to 12x, can zoom up to 25x. The M40A3 is a sniper rifle that takes five 7.62×51mm NATO cartridges in a 5Rnd. If you want to change it up based on personal preference go for it. The M40A3 has identical performance to the M24 sniper rifle, but the M40A3 sports a ghillie webbing camouflage like the SVD Camo to conceal the weapon amongst foliage. This is DayZ – this is your story. It is only visible to you. The vss vintorez im pretty sure doesnt spawn in this patch until they release a hotfix adding these said weapons into stable 0.57. All rights reserved. Please see the This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator.This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins.This is a decently detailed guide to getting your best sniping loadout in dayz standalone
@PLEB_Picarica456 This guide is outdated asf sorry for the errors :)
Hey whats up my name is Ajp0202 and im going to be teaching you what the best loadout is for a sniper in dayz standalone. It has a very big profile when it comes to size.
The major downside to this weapon is that it removes your backpack, which can make it quite difficult for snipers who value repositioning and mobility. i was talking to wobo on stream and he said it didnt spawn yet but ok You need to sign in or create an account to do that. M24 magazine, and also takes DMR Mag. (correct me if im wrong about the vintorez or the ump)
© Valve Corporation. It is only found at Mi-8 Wrecks and is extremely rare. M24 magazines in DayZ. Well i think he said that he hadn't found one, there were multible of viewers claiming that they had it and could show it for his showcase, but im not sure if the VSS or UMP spawns
Winner of the U.S. Army award as one of the “Best 10 Inventions” of 2007, the M-110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System (M-110 SASS) is a precision 7.62mm NATO caliber, gas-operated rifle that is highly acclaimed for its battlefield performance. why you recomend hunter outfit, when you have ghillie it's matter of the biggest slots , and only 2 secondary's? Just remember though that since it's SD, it looses power much, much quicker at range. This sniper rifle is capable of one-shot killing players and zombies. It can also disable vehicles quite easily. The rifle has a 0.0008 dispersion modifier as standard making it the most accurate gun in the game.
All Reviews: Mixed (198,939) - 65% of the 198,939 user reviews for this game are positive. @caligula, I'm going for the best sniper loadout this gearset provided is for the best cover you can get in the current build of standalone. @derpy oh wow thought it didnt spawn at all. @everybody yes the svd spawns i killed somebody in vybor mil base with one their very hard to find but they only spawn at myshkino tent city and russian helicopter crash sites. Aswell keep this in mind i am posting this for patch 0.57 stable branch so there might be a few new weapons included hope you enjoy! You are correct... Well, where ever the Black Market vendor is... that is where the ammo will be found UNLESS They changed the trader tables.I would not worry to much about damage dropoff with that weapon....Max you will hit anything is a little over 350. And SD makes the bullet slow as hell and less damage over range, so its good for quite close range. AWM Silencer is a sniper rifle variant of AWM featured in CrossFire.