Patch 4.1.2. With today's hotfix, Hillbilly's heat dissipation rate has been decreased by 30%. © Valve Corporation. Discussion What is with this "nerf Hillbilly" trend? hillbilly nerf.

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no more killers should be like billy is. 25% Upvoted. 13% Upvoted. I have no clue whom's idea it was to make the Hillbilly's chainsaw charge so mobile, but it was a bad idea. killers are supposed to be the power in the game not survivors u/luelhu7. Billy is like Nurse but his mobility is restricted and he's actually fun to play against, seriously anyone who thinks billy without instasaw (which is thankfully getting a minor nerf) is op needs to get good

So Billy got some changes to him that many say was a "nerf" as a Billy main, let's put that to the test in "Billy Nerf? A bandwagon then starts and more and more jump on it. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Hillbilly Nerf. When the Hillbilly attacks, steering is tougher and upon impact with an obstacle or survivor, the Hillbilly will stop. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. save hide report. Once something gets changed or nerfed then they move onto the next thing. All rights reserved. This thread is archived . Discussion. and that combined with downing survivors instantly is pretty broken. Rebalancing: lowered the Heat dissipation from -5 c/s to -3.5 c/s. 2 years ago. how about buff all the killers to his level but oh their will always be something to moan about if they was all buffed. 1 comment. share. 9 comments. His mainly strict chainsaw attack was the only negative perk about him This process is automatic. As it is charged, The Hillbilly will bolt towards, attacking with the Chainsaw. It is not about being the power in the game. It is about being balanced. Close • Posted by 11 minutes ago. Discussion. Your IP: Several balance changes and improvements to the newly reworked Add-ons. Posted by. The Chainsaw is used by the Hillbilly and must be charged before using. Archived. Come sit with us by the Campfire! share. Patch 4.1.1. In the Lore, The Hillbilly is described as an unnamed child, the Artbook however revealed his first name being the same as his father's.

save hide report. Close. 0. What's Hillbilly's negative perk? Nothing now. The Hillbilly is way to overpowered now, able to instant down anyone, + able to move quickly over a great distance. Trapper has to go find and set traps. Welcome to the fog! Billy for me is a great killer and balanced well at high ranks. strong and he isnt even that over powered either hes powerful but no where the god level of survivors.

He’s the most balanced killer Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. So, just as warning, prepare to drown in the tears of people who main one of the strongest Killers in the game and act like it takes a tremendous amount of skill. We saved you a spot. Never ever touch Hillbilly. i honestly think the hillbilly needs a nerf for his speed with the chainsaw. So long as the power isn't cancelled or the chainsaw impacts a survivor or obstacle, the Sprint will continue on forever. hillbilly nerf. Ray ID: 5c6d0aa43c9bd725 New features / Balance changes / Bug fixes. I have no clue whom's idea it was to make the Hillbilly's chainsaw charge so mobile, but it was a bad idea. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.