Euro 26.06.2020 / 07:30 Für den Inhalt de Commercial Portfolio. Euro / Langfristig vermietetes Bürogebäude in Hannover für …
Euro / Landmark-Immobilie „SAP-Turm“ in Eschborn für rund 69 Mio. Die DIC Asset AG ist ein börsennotiertes Immobilienunternehmen mit ausschließlichem Anlagefokus auf Gewerbeimmobilien in Deutschland.
bis 1,9 Mrd. DIC Asset AG: Commercial Portfolio wächst durch Ankäufe auf über 2 Mrd. Im Segment Commercial Portfolio (verwaltetes Immobilienvermögen: 1,9 Mrd. As a listed company, we provide our shareholders and analysts with the highest possible degree of currency and transparency. Die Immobilien sind langfristig vermietet und werden aktiv weiterentwickelt, um eine Wertsteigerung zu erzielen. Ankauf zweier qualitativ hochwertiger Immobilien für das Commercial Portfolio von rund 116 Mio. In its Commercial Portfolio division (EUR 1.9 billion in assets under management, as of 30/06/2020), DIC Asset AG acts as proprietor and property asset holder, and thus generates revenues both from the management of the assets and through the value optimisation of its own real estate portfolio. DIC Asset AG is one of Germany's leading listed property companies, and specialises in commercial real estate. bis 1,3 Mrd. Euro. Euro im Commercial Portfolio und 1,1 Mrd.
Wir verwalten derzeit ein Immobilienvermögen von ca.
As a listed company, we provide our shareholders and analysts with the highest possible degree of currency and transparency.
Auf der Ankaufseite rechnet die DIC Asset mit einem Volumen in Höhe von rund 1,6 Mrd.
55% Rise in Letting Performance and Doubling of Real Estate Management Fees Lead to 18% Increase in FFODividend grows around 38% ::: All items approved by large majorities ::: Choice of scrip dividend or cash dividend‘Manager of the Year’ in 2019, and ‘Mind of the Year’ in 2020: Sonja Wärntjes, our CEO, was honoured with the prestigious Immobilienmanager Award in either category.More than 20 years of experience in the German real estate and capital market, seven regional branch offices, and a wide-spread network: DIC Asset AG has successfully established itself with a footprint on all major German markets.In two distinct business divisions, we have a total of 187 properties with a market value of c. EUR 8.5 billion under management (30/06/2020). DE. DGAP-News: DIC Asset AG / Schlagwort(e): Immobilien/Ankauf DIC Asset AG: Commercial Portfolio wächst durch Ankäufe auf über 2 Mrd. In our Commercial Portfolio unit, we act as proprietor while serving as mandated manager in our Institutional Business unit. In our Commercial Portfolio unit, we act as proprietor while serving as mandated manager in our Institutional Business unit.Both units take advantage of our highly productive in-house property management and property development platform in order to optimise asset values along the entire real estate value chain.Institutional investors benefit from our investment and management know-how by reaping lucrative distribution yields.From acquisitions, to structuring tailored investments, to active measures for boosting both income and value, and all the way to the optimal exit: We are packing our entire know-how plus our superior market access into our range of deliverables for institutional investors, bundled up by our subsidiary GEG.DIC Asset AG has been SDAX-listed since 2006. In our Commercial Portfolio unit, we act as proprietor while serving as mandated manager in our Institutional Business unit.Both units take advantage of our highly productive in-house property management and property development platform in order to optimise asset values along the entire real estate value chain.Institutional investors benefit from our investment and management know-how by reaping lucrative distribution yields.From acquisitions, to structuring tailored investments, to active measures for boosting both income and value, and all the way to the optimal exit: We are packing our entire know-how plus our superior market access into our range of deliverables for institutional investors, bundled up by our subsidiary GEG.DIC Asset AG has been SDAX-listed since 2006.
bis 600 Mio. +49 69 9454858–0. Euro) befinden sich die eigenen Immobilien der DIC Asset AG. 55% Rise in Letting Performance and Doubling of Real Estate Management Fees Lead to 18% Increase in FFODividend grows around 38% ::: All items approved by large majorities ::: Choice of scrip dividend or cash dividend‘Manager of the Year’ in 2019, and ‘Mind of the Year’ in 2020: Sonja Wärntjes, our CEO, was honoured with the prestigious Immobilienmanager Award in either category.More than 20 years of experience in the German real estate and capital market, seven regional branch offices, and a wide-spread network: DIC Asset AG has successfully established itself with a footprint on all major German markets.In two distinct business divisions, we have a total of 187 properties with a market value of c. EUR 8.5 billion under management (30/06/2020). 14.07.2020 DIC Asset AG schließt Mietverträge für 25.900 qm ab - aktueller Trend zu Mietverlängerungen erkennbar; 08.07.2020 DIC Asset AG beschließt Dividende von 0,66 Euro je Aktie auf virtueller Hauptversammlung 2020; 03.07.2020 DIC Asset AG schließt neue langfristige Mietverträge mit der Galeria Kaufhof GmbH Euro, davon rund 500 Mio. In its Commercial Portfolio division (EUR 1.9 billion in assets under management, as of 31/03/2020), DIC Asset AG acts as proprietor and property asset holder, and thus generates revenues both from the management of the assets and through the value optimisation of its own real estate portfolio. 8,5 Milliarden Euro mit 187 Objekten.