Sencillamente, ellos mandan. The largest maras in El Salvador are MS-13 and the two factions of Barrio 18 (the 18th Street gang), the Revolutionaries and the Southerners. A mara (or marabunta) is a form of gang originating in the United States, which spread to Central American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. A Roadmap for Safely Reopening Schools | Tuesday, Aug. 25 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Kate Linthicum is a foreign correspondent for the Los Angeles Times based in Mexico City.Molly O’Toole is an immigration and security reporter based in the Los Angeles Times’ Washington, D.C., bureau. I stopped doing drugs 12 years ago. Porque es cierto. Investigation and Analysis of Organized Crime Two policemen killed my brother and my cousin, and I do not think now that all cops are bad, mind you. They will find a way to drink, you know?”We encourage readers to copy and distribute our work for Tracing the Roots of El Salvador's Mara Salvatrucha She has covered migration and security from Central America to West Africa to South Asia. Less than a month ago, the news came out of El Salvador that the various maras had made a "decisión de barrio" to enforce the quarantine imposed by the government of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele.. A court in El Salvador has on Friday, Dec. 13, 2019, sentenced 373 convicted members of the notorious Mara Salvatrucha gang to prison terms of … "Yo amaba MS-13": cómo fue mi vida en la Mara Salvatrucha en El Salvador - Duration: 3:35. El Salvador recently celebrated a historic feat: For two days in a row last month, the country recorded not a single homicide. The president authorized the army to use "lethal force" against the mareros and ordered that in the prisons they mix members of different gangs.Less than a month ago, the news came out of El Salvador that the various maras had made a The gangs' decision was motivated by three concerns: first, the less the quarantine was enforced, The combination of quarantine and the "barrio decision" made by the maras led to a Bukele responded with two measures, both published via Twitter: authorising the public forces to El uso de la fuerza letal está autorizado para defensa propia o para la defensa de la vida de los salvadoreños.Estamos ejecutado la acción de mezclar y recluir en las mismas celdas a los diferentes grupos de las estructuras criminales que tanto daño están causando al país.The President also made known that he was willing to use the nation's resources to defend members of the public force who were sued for the excessive use of force.Both the press agencies operating in El Salvador and the prison authorities themselves have released chilling images where dozens of half-naked men emerge lined up, sitting in narrow rows, each one's chest touching the other's back, and where - a novelty for the Salvadoran press - men with the letters MS and the number 18 tattooed on their bodies were gathered equally.President Bukele's hope in doing all this and then confining the men in the same cell, crowded and mixed, is that by having the members of different maras together, they El Faro's investigation sheds the following light: the increase in the number of murders appears to be a unilateral decision by MS-13, as the spokesperson for the faction Sueños del Barrio 18 declared that MS had cut off communication with the other gangs and they did not know what the reason for this change in policy was.In addition, the police commissioner told the Salvadoran media that two other factors were at play: on the one hand, gang members are seeing the economic suffocation of not being able to collect the extortions they regularly use for their livelihoods - plus the aggravation that their relatives are not being able to exercise the legal economic activities in which they usually work - so they may be afraid of losing power, and the increase in homicides is "a wake-up call to say that The last point on which the El Faro investigation sheds light is the one the official made known to them: Pure intuition can lead one to think of four things that could happen: either the mareros will try to ignore each other - which is impossible, more so in such a degree of overcrowding - or lethal fights will break out in the cells, or the mareros will associate with each other, or an outbreak of COVID-19 inside the prisons will produce a mass death of the prisoners.The latter two scenarios can have serious medium- and long-term consequences for the country: gangs associating with each other can give rise to another force that is more difficult to control than those already plaguing El Salvador, and if there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in prisons, the gang members who survive it will be seen as heroes by the groups to which they belong.