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Michelle's father and stepmother Maísa are owners o…
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s wife, daughters test negative for coronavirus Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro tests positive for coronavirus
SAO PAULO/RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s wife and one of his ministers have tested positive for COVID-19, according to an official statement on Thursday, as the spread of the novel coronavirus showed no signs of slowing in the country with the world’s second-worst outbreak after the United States.Just days after her husband said he had overcome the virus with a negative test following weeks in quarantine, Bolsonaro’s wife Michelle has tested positive, the presidential office said in a statement.“First lady Michelle Bolsonaro tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday. Born and raised in Ceilândia, administrative region of the Federal District, Michelle de Paula is daughter of Maria das Graças Firmo Ferreira and Vicente de Paulo Reinaldo. wildfire map 2020: Current location of wildfires burning around the provinceKentucky man faces $750K fine for breaking quarantine rules in Alberta RockiesRussian experts to analyze ‘UFO’ footage captured by ISS astronaut Ivan VagnerWoman killed in Sask.’s 1st fatal bear attack since 1983Golden State Killer: Joseph DeAngelo apologizes to victims in statement to courtCalifornia fighting 560 wildfires, requests help from Canada and AustraliaMan in vehicle injured in Mississauga daylight shootingAlbertans continue to call police after spotting U.S. licence platesTDSB seeks more space for classes as parents weigh whether kids will attendStudents with disabilities face more obstacles returning to class, Ontario advocates saySaskatoon couple doesn’t let coronavirus pandemic spoil their dream weddingOntario’s COVID-19 cases have been on the decline.
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WATCH: Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro tests positive for coronavirus Russian astronaut on the ISS claims to see UFOs in new footageCoronavirus: WHO wishes Brazil’s Bolsonaro a ‘full and speedy’ recoveryCoronavirus: WHO wishes Brazil’s Bolsonaro a ‘full and speedy’ recoveryStudents with disabilities face more obstacles returning to class, Ontario advocates saySaskatoon couple doesn’t let coronavirus pandemic spoil their dream weddingRussian astronaut on the ISS claims to see UFOs in new footageWoman killed in Saskatchewan’s 1st fatal bear attack since 1983Golden State Killer’s apology during sentencing deepens mystery for victims, familyB.C.
We are committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion, so we ask you to avoid personal attacks, and please keep your comments relevant and respectful. Only the United States has worse statistics.Michelle Bolsonaro, whose grandmother was rushed to hospital and intubated last week, made the announcement on Instagram. 1988), who is a member of the Brazilian Air Force. “I’m well, just a bit of flu symptoms and a headache.”We encourage all readers to share their views on our articles and blog posts. SAO PAULO/RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s wife and one of his ministers have tested positive for COVID-19, according to an official statement on Thursday, as the spread of the novel coronavirus showed no signs of slowing in the country with the world’s second-worst outbreak after the United States. MARCO BELLO/Reuters. Her father, born in Crateús, Ceará, is a retired bus driver, whose nickname, "Paulo Negão", became nationally known in Jair Bolsonaro speeches to defend himself from accusations of racism. Bolsonaro's political views have been described as nationalist and populist in nature, and he himself as an advocate of far-right policies. She is in good health and will follow all established protocols,” it said, referring to the disease caused by the new coronavirus.Earlier on Thursday, Brazil’s science and technology minister, Marcos Pontes, said his test had come back positive, becoming the fifth minister in Bolsonaro’s government to be diagnosed with the disease.Their infections are a palpable sign of the scale of the outbreak in Brazil, which set fresh daily records on Wednesday for new COVID-19 cases and related fatalities.The 69,074 new confirmed cases and 1,595 additional deaths reported by the Health Ministry, pushed the country past 2.5 million infections and 90,000 killed.Pontes made his announcement on Facebook, saying he was quarantining and working remotely.“I just tested positive for the new coronavirus,” he said. The member of the Social Christian Party served in the Brazilian Army’s artillery field and parachutist group. Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro talks to his wife, Michelle Bolsonaro, during a ceremony marking International Women's Day at Planalto Palace in Brasilia in March. His electorate is mainly formed by adults above the age of 34, the working middle to upper class (mainly in the southeast region of the country), conservatives in general, college graduates, some centrists and the Christian right. His supporters, however, claim that his views are more aligned with traditional right-wing conservatism. If you encounter a comment that is abusive, click the "X" in the upper right corner of the comment box to report spam or abuse. According to some polls, Bolsonaro's main su… Jair Bolsonaro wife videos and latest news articles; your source for the latest news on Jair Bolsonaro wife .
Michelle Bolsonaro, the wife of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who is sick with the new coronavirus, said on Saturday that she and her two daughters had tested negative for the virus.