Einigen Akteuren... Im „Focus“ und sogar in einem ARD-Kommentar wird nach den Krawallen von Stuttgart Kritik an öffentlicher Stimmungsmache gegen die Polizei geübt. I get these before almost ever video I watch, and I'm thankful to some extent, because now I realize how bullshit Google and Youtube are. Auch ohne Zuschauer hatte das Finale höchsten Unterhaltungswert.Bonner Forscher aus verschiedenen Disziplinen untersuchen den Zusammenhang zwischen der Immunantwort auf eine Corona-Infektion und dem Krankheitsverlauf. Clear, fact-based journalism without spin or hidden agendas: US, politics, China, world, opinion, business, science, art…
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. I Brag and Recommend Epoch Times I'm 49 and have never been interested in the news because I've so many hurt deeply over fake or inaccurate news.
And the company does not require news publishers to disclose their spending on political ads, giving an added layer of privacy.A YouTube spokeswoman, Charlotte Smith, confirmed that the platform has a carve-out for news publishers in its advertising transparency rules.The Epoch Times was formed in part to speak out against the Chinese government’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Facebook cut off the outlet’s ability to buy ads after finding that it obscured the source of its spending.
The ads do not disclose the relationship of the publication to the right-wing Falun Gong religious cult, and they contain extreme Cold War propaganda and conspiracy theories that I find objectionable.
Die Deutsche Fußball-Liga (DFL) hat die ablehnende Haltung der Gesundheitsministerkonferenz (GMK) gegenüber einer Rückkehr von Zuschauern in …
The Epoch Times says it hosts websites in 21 languages and 35 countries, and has print editions in eight languages: Chinese, English, Spanish, Hebrew, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, and Indonesian.. This reply will now display in the answers section.How to complain about incessant misleading ads from Epoch Times?
It was VERY hard to find this posting area....there are millions more of us, Google, and we vote. Es geht unter anderem um das Thema Volkszählungen, die für die Wahlen wichtig werden. He said it had been started by the former head of The Epoch Times’s Vietnamese affiliate, with whom his paper had since cut ties.The Epoch Times can no longer advertise on Facebook, but it can still post there.
In recent years, the paper has made inroads into top Republican circles. ARD und ZDF gingen mit und gründeten vor einigen Jahren das Online-Medienangebot und Content-Netzwerk... Das Nachrichtenportal „Reclaimthenet“ hat eine weitere weitreichende Zensur von Google aufgedeckt.
Gabe Gottlieb, the chief executive of Pathmatics, estimated that the outlet’s YouTube spending was “higher than household names like The New York Times, CNN, Fox News and The Wall Street Journal.”In an email exchange, Stephen Gregory, the publisher of the English-language Epoch Times in the United States, declined to comment on its YouTube budget or the number of its subscribers.
Innerhalb von wenigen Stunden schaffte es der Beitrag von Schrang TV am Montag, 7. Are you sure you want to continue?I am being bombarded by ads from the Epoch Times.
Die Andalusier gewann bereits zum sechsten Mal den zweitwichtigsten Club-Wettbewerb in Europa. Seit einiger Zeit markiert YouTube Videos im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus, die nicht von offiziellen Stellen kommen, mit einem gelben Dollarzeichen. Das heißt, das aus ihnen keine Werbeeinnahmen... Internationale Medien sehen den Rückzug von CDU-Parteichefin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer als Konsequenz fehlender Erfolge und mangelnder Autorität.
In einer E-Mail an die Epoch Times hieß es seitens des Unternehmens: Es gebe "einen Fehler im Kontrollsystem You are disrupting Democracy for cash, and you are gross.This garbage is yet another reason why the whole idea of these mega corporations running away from their responsibilities is so grotesque. I have an idea for a new company motto for google.
I understand that there is normally a place to click in order to complain about an ad, but it is absent from these ads.Community content may not be verified or up-to-date. Some community members might have badges that indicate their identity or level of participation in a community. I've had the Epoch Times … Die Werften hoffen jetzt auf staatliche...In Baden-Württemberg ist ein Lehrer unter dem Verdacht des sexuellen Missbrauchs in Untersuchungshaft genommen worden. Wir setzen auf unserer Website Cookies und andere Technologien ein, um Ihnen den vollen Funktionsumfang unseres Angebotes anzubieten.
One ad touted an exposé of “Spygate,” a baseless conspiracy theory alleging that President Barack Obama and his allies placed a spy inside President Trump’s 2016 campaign. Angeblich erhält das Krankenhaus in Bergamo eine Spende in Höhe von einem Euro für jeden Klick auf "Rinascerò, Rinascerai" –... Eigentlich wollte die zweifache Mutter und Moderatorin Aline von Drateln mit einem guten Beispiel vorangehen und ehrenamtlich Kinderbetreuung übernehmen. The story was later debunked by fact checkers, but it received tens of thousands of likes, shares and comments.YouTube appears to be friendlier turf than Facebook for The Epoch Times.
Reporting important news other media ignore. But in August, Rather than retreating, the publication simply shifted to a different platform — YouTube — and continued its advertising blitz there.The shifting tactics of partisan publishers pose a challenge to tech platforms in the lead-up to the 2020 election. Post contains harassment, hate speech, impersonation, nudity; malicious, illegal, sexually explicit or commercial content.