His net worth, according to a recent estimate of 'Forbes,' is $25.8 billion. Natalia Potanina in her youth and early youth was distinguished by diligence and diligence, and a bright appearance ensured her success in the opposite sex. Prokhorov was willing to sell his 25% stake in the company at a sum of $15 billion, which Potanin refused.The following year, Prokhorov approached Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska of 'United Company RUSAL' and requested him to acquire his stake in 'Norilsk Nickel.' He has a child with her.The divorce settlement between him and Natalia is yet to be settled amicably.He is closely acquainted with Russian president Vladimir Putin, who has also been involved in the business dealings of Potanin. He has offered her $140 million.

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The same year, he married Ekaterina, also known as Yekaterina Potanina. Pictured: The bride being walked down the aisle by her oligarch father Vladimir PotaninThere has been speculation that the alimony battle between Anastasia's parents will switch to the courts in London where Natalia now as a home.Pictures and video did not show Anastasia's 57 year old mother attending the wedding.Anastasia is a former Russian acquabike champion and now a contemporary art gallery owner in Moscow.Her blond groom, aged 24, is a Moscow-born amateur sport ballroom dancer - claiming to represent Britain - who was a teenage world champion after starting his career at the age off four.The couple were married overlooking the harbour at the Cap-Eden-Roc hotel surrounded by friends and family Artem is ten years Anastasia's junior and works as an amateur ballroom dancer and dance teacher.

Both wanted to take control of 'Norilsk Nickel. Spouse: Ekaterina Potanina (m. 2014), Natalia Potanina (m. 1983–2014) Gender. Pictured: The couple together before the wedding The host was Russian TV celebrity and comedian Ivan Urgant and singer Leonid Agutin provided the music during the elegant ceremony He works as a ballroom or wedding dance teacher changing just £17.55 for a 45 minute lesson - and a model.Potanin - 56th richest man in the world who has since remarried - had a luxury yacht named after Anastasia which he sold £67 million earlier this month, according to reports.The oligarch - once a Kremlin vice prime minister - is seen as close to Vladimir Putin.Kruchin comes from a very different world, advertising online as a dance teacher.He has said: 'I have been into sport ballroom dances for 16 years. The Supreme Court of Russia denies review of Natalia's claims. 'In March 2009, Potanin filed a lawsuit against his former business partner, Prokhorov, for $29 million, over a property dispute in Moscow.The ownership conflict between Potanin and Deripaska was put to rest after Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich intervened in the matter in 2012. Separately, she filed a £11.7 billion claim in Moscow against her former husband in May 2017, according to the magazine Forbes.Natalia asked the Moscow court to recognise as common property shares in foreign companies Pharanco, Bektanco, Decoso and Lovenco, as well as rights to trustee shares of these entities.She also wanted to divide rights for shares in metals giant Nornickel and precious metals producer Polyus, and to collect compensation for the stakes from Potanin.In July the Russian Supreme Court dismissed Natalia's second claim. The Supreme Court has already rejected her earlier claim. Although a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, he has had his share of controversies, too. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vladimir_Potanin.jpg Vladimir Olegovich Potanin was born on January 3, 1961, in Moscow, Russia, into a prominent communist family.In 1983, he graduated from the 'Moscow State Institute of International Relations’ (MGIMO).

The girl studied in secondary school № 58, located on the Slavic boulevard. Am ersten Tag des Jahres 2011 arrangierte Natalia PotaninaEmpfang anlässlich des neuen Jahres in der Familienresidenz "Luzhki". In 2016, the organization donated artworks to be exhibited at the 'Pompidou Centre' in Paris, France.He is on the board of trustees of the non-profit organization 'Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation,' located in New York.The construction of his ski resort was heavily criticized by environmentalists, as they claimed a large area of forest land was lost due to the construction, in contrast to Potanin's declaration that the project would require minimal excavation and logging.Since Potanin has taken over as the CEO of 'Norilsk Nickel,' the company has often been held responsible for its hazardous impact on the environment. 'Pictures on Potanin's luxury yachts prove they were a couple at the time he claimed they had already split, she said.She contends their marriage was crucial to his rise as one of the most prominent Reds-to-Riches tycoons.Potanin's Interros Group routinely says it 'never gives any comments on the circumstances of the company founder's private life'.A Russian legal source has said: 'It is clear (Natalia Potenina) will get nowhere in the Russian courts. And is the crawling sensation in my groin a sign of threadworms? He is known to have close ties with Russian president Vladimir Putin. The claim was rejected because of expiration of the limitation period. Potanin has three children from his marriage to Natalia, and two from his second marriage to current wife Ekaterina. Pictured: Vladimir, Natalia, son Ivan (first from the left) and daughter Anastasia (first from the right)'I sat with him at the end of 2013, and he was saying 'Let's divorce behindhand, so that the divorce and any settlement is dated to 2007. Abramovich bought 6.5% of the stakes of 'Norilsk Nickel' and brokered peace between the warring oligarchs. [citation needed] He is the owner of three luxury motor yachts built by Oceanco: The 89 m (292 ft) Barbara, built in 2016.