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One of three founding chapters originally distrusted by the first Space Marine Legions, the Wolves have distinguished themselves with a history of courage and unmatched bravery and ferocity in combat. These warbands compete with each other as much as they fight against Champions earn rewards from their gods by destroying their patron's enemies and succeeding on obscure missions and quests. These are qualities that stand a man in great stead if he wishes to become a Chaos Champion.
Look to the skies for your salvation. Having been freed for solar decades, if not centuries, from the experience of fear and now released from responsibility, a Chaos Space Marine does not dread either retribution or punishment for his deeds. After more general training, they join the Chapter as full "brothers".Space Marines have very organised daily routines including combat training, prayer, and indoctrination sessions with very little free time. Here at last was their chance to prove themselves against opponents just as tough, as battle hardened, and ferocious as themselves. Recruits are chosen from the best warriors among humanity. In battle the Word Bearers are known to summon daemons en masse, using them as a horde of deadly effective infantry troops while their Chaos Space Marines execute specific objectives. When an Astartes falls from grace, he will fall further than other mortals. Games Workshop made a full space marine chapter, following the Codex structure, and put it into a war with unending waves of Hive Fleet Leviathan. Most disdain long-ranged warfare, preferring to close with the enemy to kill them with The Death Guard's sense of loyalty to the Warmaster and their Primarch A mysterious, unstoppable contagion spread through the trapped fleet, putrefying all it touched. Freed from the constraints of the discipline, traditions and responsibilities that define the Given full reign to his long-suppressed personal desires, his incredible physical powers and mental strength can be turned to the pursuit of the most malevolent acts, untrammeled by any sense of either mercy or guilt.
An example of just such an outcome infamously took place in the 34th Millennium during the Obscuran Uprisings. With the release of Imperial Fists and Salamanders all the announced supplements are out and we’ve got a good look at what Space Marines are now. They cannot claim to be ignorant of its existence, as the teachings of their Chapter and its For an Astartes to turn to the service of Chaos he must consciously make the choice to walk a radically different path, to choose profane freedom over righteous service.
The traditional Codex Chapter is tactically organised into a number of different types of squad: Terminator squads are drawn from the best and most experienced warriors of the entire Chapter. This is good, because they also have a history of anti-authoritarian ways and are one of the most extremely Codex Astartes deviant chapters. Some mutations are beneficial, some harmless -- others downright debilitating.
Granted the forbidden knowledge and strength of Chaos, a Champion can lead armies, conquer whole worlds and achieve greatness and ultimately, immortality. These rewards come in different forms.
Though such changes can make a Chaos Champion a fearsome warrior, he risks receiving so many such "gifts" and becoming so mutated that he loses all control of himself and degenerates into the hideous creature known as a When this limit is finally breached, the Space Marine or other Champion will be lost forever, transformed into a gibbering and mindless Chaos Spawn. During the Horus Heresy, the terrible Imperial civil war that pitted the battle-brothers of the 18 known Some Traitor Marines pledged their service to all four of the Dark Gods, a malevolent force known as The Traitor Legions were the most powerful component of the Chaos Space Marines fight for everything they were once forbidden to indulge in as the ascetic servants of the Emperor and the selfless guardians of All Heretic Astartes are ultimately united by this sheer hunger for power. This fear of death, however, does nothing to slow or halt the vicious might of the Chaos Space Marines, who are quite sure that the power they have received from the Chaos Gods in return for their souls will ultimately provide them with rule over their fellows, as they believe is the right of every In the Immaterium, similar thoughts and emotions of the sentient beings of the galaxy join together like rivulets of water running down a cliffside. A Plague Marine of Nurgle during the Siege of Vraks wielding Plasma Pistol and Plague Knife.
Most die quickly and painfully, their bodies ripped apart by cascading and uncontrollable mutations as the power of Chaos is made wholly manifest within them. The energies of the Warp will cause an Astartes warrior's flesh and blood to meld with his armour over time until they become one and the same, just as it conjoins his consciousness with the once-pure As the years pass, a Heretic Astartes grown obsessed with death may find his helm transforming into a flayed skull that is fused to his own features, whilst one who seeks to glut himself on flesh finds his intestines mingling with the recycler cables of his Power Armour until he is a living engine of consumption.