Consequently, you are more than welcome in our catering outlets again from that date. Wir werden natürlich die Lockerung der Maßnahmen zur Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und des Seelenfriedens aller Besucher und Bewohner weiterhin genau überwachen.Lesen Sie weiter, um einen detaillierteren Überblick darüber zu erhalten, wie Athen Covid-19 weiterhin bekämpft, einschließlich der neuesten Informationen zu Flügen in und aus unserer Stadt.
Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos is the most prominent airport that you can find in Greece. finden aktuell Körpertemperaturmessungen bei allen ankommenden Passagieren durch die Gesundheitsbehörden statt. only necessary trips) to yellow. We advise all travelers who had planned to fly to any of these destinations to contact their airlines.Schiphol is pleased to offer a helping hand if your travel plans had to unexpectedly change in connection with the corona virus.
We also ask every traveller for On this liveblog we will give you the most up-to-date information.Are you flying from Schiphol? Departures 1, G-pier, and Lounges 3 and 4 are open again from today. For example, our home carrier KLM has put together For the most up-to-date travel advice per country, you can consult the (Dutch only) Entry restrictions have been introduced by a number of countries which will affect travellers from countries afflicted by the corona virus. There will no longer be a quarantine obligation for those countries, so you will not be required to remain home for 2 weeks upon your return to the Netherlands. And how can we give each other enough space when there are so many people boarding the same plane? Am Flughafen von Athen werden Einreisende auf Covid-19 getestet.
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) maintains a The European Commission published a proposal on April 8, 2020 that extended the EU entry ban for non-essential trips by 30 days – that is, until May 15, 2020. This does not mean that non-essential travel to these countries is now recommended. Ankunfts- und Abfluginformationen für den Flughafen Athen-Eleftherios Venizelos, Athen (ATH, LGAV). Otherwise there is not enough space in the departure and arrival halls for travellers to keep a distance of 1.5 metres. Please contact The flight bans for passengers flights from mainland China (including Hong Kong), South Korea, Italy, Iran, Spain and Austria have been extended until 10 April 2020 06:00 PM. Etwa 90 Prozent des Betriebs wurden eingestellt. Athen öffnet, um Sie wieder willkommen zu heißen, und wir haben viele unserer Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Verbreitung von Covid-19 gelockert.Sie können sich jetzt frei in unseren Straßen bewegen, in unseren Geschäften und Nachbarschaftsmärkten einkaufen, unsere lebhaften Restaurants, Bars und Cafés besuchen, in unseren öffentlichen Parks entspannen und unsere weltberühmten archäologischen Stätten und sonnige Strände genießen.Open-Air-Kinos haben ihre Türen wieder geöffnet, um diesen wertvollsten Sommer-Zeitvertreib zu teilen - und auch unsere herausragenden Museen sind wieder im Geschäft. A testing centre for travellers arriving from these areas will be set up shortly. The aircraft stands at the other piers are being used as temporary parking spaces for planes that will be grounded for a longer period of time.There have been a number of questions asked about whether or not non-EU citizens are able to enter the Schengen zone, whether arriving or transferring at Schiphol. Für die Einreise aus allen anderen Ländern, ist entweder ein negativer COVID-19-Test (nicht älter als 72 Stunden) vorzuweisen As of 1 July, we expect to be able to accommodate more visitors, as long as our catering partners respect the maximum of 100 people that will apply from that date (depending on the size of the outlet, of course).Not every restaurant or bar will reopen on 1 June. We therefore recommend that you stay up-to-date with the travel advisories on the Given the current COVID-19 developments, travel advice is changing on a regular basis. There are also empty planes flying from Schiphol to Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao so that Dutch people can return home, for example.New measures came into effect this evening due to the corona virus.