Beate Kupper, a social psychologist who studies the far right in Germany, explains the phenomenon of ‘homonationalism’ by saying that ‘ The suggestion is that lesbians or gays cannot be intolerant towards LGBTQ people, which is gold for a party that denies equal rights for gays. @2020 RAIR Foundation USA, LLC. According to Weidel, the AfD will provide safety for homosexuals by tackling the immigration problem. In the beliefs of the AfD, violence against gays comes especially from ‘The issue of Muslim aggression against homosexuals is something Weidel wants to emphasize in her speech. However, the answer she provides is formulated in a sarcastic manner.
It's a big reason for why her Message, of the AfD being tolerant and not homophobic, is so strong, namely: it matches her sexuality.Even though it is obvious that Weidel’s identity does not match with homophobic statements made by other AfD members, she is able to take the attention off of this fact.
Political Message is defined by them as: ‘Alice Weidel opens her speech by stating that she is a lesbian. […] Alice Weidel, Co-leader of Germany’s AfD, also delivered an impassioned speech powerfully calling out the effect of Merkel’s harmful unregulated migration during a must-see […] Having her as a ‘moderate’ voice in their party clearly helps the AfD in gaining votes, especially from the LGBTQ community as these people are more likely to trust her because of her lesbian identity. This is obviously not convenient if you want to create an image of tolerance. However, in Weidel’s case, being tolerant is not something she has to ‘prove’ that much as other AfD members would have to.
'Issues' are the topics that politicians need to address, such as unemployment, the debt-ceiling and same-sex marriage. They are family oriented, want secure borders, and believe in the preservation of the nation state of Germany, much as President Trump does of America.Dear Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen: Germany is facing a recession. Throughout the course of her membership, the question why she chooses to be part of the homophobic AfD has been posed many times. Alice Weidel, Co-leader of Germany’s AfD, (Alternative for Deutschland) delivers an impassioned speech powerfully calling out socialist green policies and harmful unregulated migration during a must-see speech in Parliament this week. Since Alice Weidel is a lesbian herself, many LGBTQ people might be more likely to identify with her and to trust that she and her party understand their needs.
They are family oriented, want secure borders, and believe in the preservation of the nation state of Germany, much as President Trump does of America. Around 6:45, she starts talking about these 'Muslim gangs' and continues giving examples of violent acts by Muslims for several minutes. Absolutely brilliant speech, if only the EU would think the same Europe would be a better place , I totally agree with every single word you said , but the gravy train of the political leaders of the Eu won’t, this is one of the reasons we won’t brexit and Germany should do the same two great nations being crushed from within In this speech, she gave an answer to the question why she, as a lesbian woman, is a member of a homophobic party. This anti-immigration point of view, and especially it being very much against Muslim migration, is an important ingredient of the party's ideology. Economic growth is stagnating. The fact that she is both a lesbian and a member of this party is a political message, because it is used to convey that AfD cannot possibly be homophobic.According to Weidel, the AfD will provide safety for homosexuals by tackling the immigration problem. Gross domestic product even shrank in the second quarter of 2019.
With Weidel as a party leader, the AfD has a higher potential to create an image of itself as a party that is tolerant towards homosexuals and even wants to fight for their rights, despite of the fact that their policy includes some homophobic ideas. See RAIR’s reporting on the brave and growing AdD movement in Germany here, here and […]
They are family oriented, want secure borders, and believe in the preservation of the nation state of Germany, much as President Trump does of America. After the party won enough votes to enter the Bundestag this year, they stated that they would ‘Not only do they want to stop new immigrants from entering Germany, they also plead for sentencing foreigners who commit crimes in Germany to foreign prisons and treating 12-year-old children as adults for certain crimes (Chase, 2017).
Having her as leader of the party has therefore proven to be a very strategic move.Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter (mailchimp).Diggit Magazine takes online privacy and transparency very seriously. The identity of their leader Alice Weidel does not exactly match the image of the extreme-right party, her being a lesbian woman. She tries to do so in a humorous way, as she pulls
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